Friday, April 20, 2007

Re: [BLUG] Weekly gaming fest continues tommorow

Ack! This week I don't even have a computer to play it on :-(

Try me again after I get a computer.

-Simón A. Ruiz

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Weekly gaming fest continues tommorow

Tommorow night we're going to try Unreal Tournament 2004 again. Last
week a few people couldn't make it and a few didn't have it yet, but I'm
told that this week more people will sign on.

Join us on the server tommorow, Saturday April 21st at 9pm or later.

For instructions on how to connect, check out this page:

Next weekend we'll try a free open source game. Probably BZFlag.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Ubuntu is Yummy

Ben Shewmaker wrote:
> Anyone else have an opinion on Feisty?

I upgraded to the Feisty beta late last week. I continue to remain
impressed with each successive Ubuntu release.
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Ubuntu is Yummy

I just tried it for the first time myself, definitely a thumbs up. And
since I have an Intel graphics card on the laptop I tried it on,
Compiz worked right out of the box (I had to do something like go to
Preferences -> Desktop Effects). All it had was wobbly windows and the
cube, but still nifty to have it right out of the box. Resolution I
had to fix by installing 915resolution and Ctrl-Alt-Backspacing, but
I've gotten used to doing that on widescreen laptops already.

The only thing that bugs me about it (and not just Feisty, but Linux
Desktops in general) is how possibly the most used application on the
computer (at least for Desktop computers) is the buggiest. Firefox is
single buggiest piece of software on that computer. I was using a
school laptop at home for a while and Firefox would regularly have a
conniption and slow my whole system to a crawl; I could often
Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a command prompt and killall firefox-bin, though even
that took forever, but sometimes I had to simply force shutdown by
holding in the power button. And just now when I was playing with
Feisty Firefox did some weird stuff when I maximized it while using
Compiz, so I had to restart it.

This is simply unacceptable.

Now, granted, I seemed to experience this more than my fiancee did for
example. I'm guessing it may be exacerbated by the fact that I use the
same profile directory on Ubuntu as I use on Hasenfroch (I use
PortableApps on a USB stick on Windows and link the
~/.mozilla/firefox/jumble.default directory to my FirefoxPortable's
data/profile directory).

However, it runs smooth as silk on Hasenfroch.

Well, enough of that rant...

BTW, I posted some photos from the IU LinuxFest on my blog (hosted on
my flickr site), so check out if
you're interested. (Jeremy, I put your biplane computer on there. btw,
is it still alive?)

On 4/20/07, Ben Shewmaker <> wrote:
> Each Ubuntu release just keeps getting better. I'm loving 7.04 at the
> moment. This has been the easiest install and setup I've ever had with a
> linux distro. Everything from installing video card drivers to flash for
> firefox to extra codecs is really, really easy. Getting a screen resolution
> beyond 1024x768 wasn't as extremely easy, but with a quick search in the
> ubuntu forums I was at 1280x1024 quickly. So I like what I've seen so far.
> Anyone else have an opinion on Feisty?
> ben

-Simón A. Ruiz

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Ubuntu is Yummy

Each Ubuntu release just keeps getting better.  I'm loving 7.04 at the moment.  This has been the easiest install and setup I've ever had with a linux distro.  Everything from installing video card drivers to flash for firefox to extra codecs is really, really easy.  Getting a screen resolution beyond 1024x768 wasn't as extremely easy, but with a quick search in the ubuntu forums I was at 1280x1024 quickly.  So I like what I've seen so far.  Anyone else have an opinion on Feisty?


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