Monday, November 5, 2007

Re: [BLUG] environmentalism and limiting pop. growth (was NOV meeting topic)

While I understand and respect voluntary childlessness and a move
towards 0 population growth, and see the undeniable negative effects
of rampant population growth, 'Voluntary Human Extinction' is not a
cause I can see myself getting behind.

I think I'm pretty much highly motivated, perhaps culturally, perhaps
evolutionarily so, to imagine solutions where my species, and my
family, are around to reap the benefits. ;-)



On 11/5/07, Steven Black <> wrote:
> The most environmentally friendly thing you can do is not create babies.
> Cheers,
> Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] environmentalism and limiting pop. growth (was NOV meeting topic)

> And speaking of limiting population growth—isn't the act of building a
> power plant to transform the lives of a million (by, say, providing
> refrigeration, better sanitation, hospitals, etc.) encouraging
> population growth?

The most environmentally friendly thing you can do is not create babies.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list