I am subscribing to the listserv, but I have not been able to figure
out when or where you meet. I heard that you meet twice a month.
I recently migrated to Linux (Ubuntu) and would like to participate in
the Bloomington group. There is still a lot I am learning about (not
all my drivers are up), but I also am working on a Perl program that
generates an SVG graph (x,y, with z binned) based on x,y,z input data.
The output is editable in Inkscape. So maybe the knowledge I am gaining
would allow me to contribute something as well. One thing I'd like to
learn is how/if it is possible to port what I am doing to something
else, or what is the best way to make it available to the community.
Marc Bogonovich phone: (812) 855-7804
Department of Biology FAX: (812) 855-6705
1001 East Third Street email:
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
BLUG mailing list