I would also be interested in attending. I would be driving from Terre Haute.
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Jose <ignasilucas@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, everybody.
I'm deffinitely interested in attending a network basics presentation.
Ignasi.2009/7/7 Mark Krenz <mark@slugbug.org>
On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 09:26:39PM GMT, Mark Warner [markwarner1954@att.net] said the following:
>I suspect you are not alone on the list in your experience. I think
> I'm a desktop Linux user, but don't claim to know diddly about
> networking or servers (although by pure dumb luck I was able to set up
> an apache2 http server on this desktop) or any of the "back end" stuff
> you guys all seem to be involved with.
some of us older Linux users take for granted that most of the people we
learned Linux with generally learned a lot about networkinig stuff.
So perhaps before having the said presentation, we should have another
presentation on network basics. Covering things like how networks work,
IP addresses, DNS, protocols, etc. I could do this one too and I promise
to make it interesting.
How about having that presentation in August or September?
Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list
David Lautzenheiser
American Micro Inc
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