Tuesday, August 5, 2008

RE: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

Thanks a lot for the help in getting the VPN working.  I can now connect to the IUPUI VPN using the PPTP connector from the IUWareOnline site (it only took a little additional twiddling with /etc/resolv.conf).  I’ll have to play with the IU Secure setup, but it doesn’t look too difficult.  The house is now going all Linux.





From: Abhishek K [mailto:abbyzcool@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 6:20 PM
To: Bloomington LINUX Users Group
Subject: Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux


This comes from someone who has used open wireless networks in the past (and runs an open wireless n/w now).
People have started taking pride in "opening up" their wireless networks, and it has gained momentum with several such initiatives that strive towards creating a open, shared wireless community.
You might be interested in looking at --


Bruce Schneier had blogged about his reasons for running an open wireless network (http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/01/my_open_wireles.html) although I have also read counter-views about people violating and/or misusing the open wireless network. It makes much sense to join an existing open wireless network since their use is protected by agreements which prevent the user from abusing the network.

 -- Abhishek

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Paul Purdom <pwp@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:

I am in CA using the open wireless connection of a neighbor of the people I am visiting. The signal is weak, and it appears the owners of the connection kick me off from time to time. Anyway, it is very nice to have this connection, so I have been thinking about setting up an open connection in my home once I get back. Does anyone reading this group know any reasons why it would be unwise to set up an open wireless system? If there are potential dangers, are there cures?

BLUG mailing list


Re: [BLUG] New GPG key

Hash: SHA1

I don't mean to sound like a complete jerk, but what is the draw with
these key signing parties? Is it some sort of social thing? I only
really feel compelled to have keys for people that send me critical
information I might want to authorize and/or encrypt. For casual
correspondence like this list and most chatting, I guess I haven't
gotten caught up in collecting public keys.

Am I missing the point here? Again, I don't mean to sound critical of
the practice, I'm honestly wondering if I'm missing some angle here...

Michael Schultheiss wrote:
| Barry Schatz wrote:
|> Did you mean Ohio LinuxFest? That's October 10-11. I will be in Ohio.
| No, I meant IU LinuxFest. I'll also be at Ohio LinuxFest on October 11
| if people want to do a keysigning there as well.
| _______________________________________________
| BLUG mailing list
| BLUG@linuxfan.com
| http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug

- --
Joe Auty
NetMusician: web publishing software for musicians
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

From the Schneier blog:
"Remember when I said that I keep my home wireless network open? Here's a reason not to listen to me."

I keep my router secure with WPA2 and one of Steve Gibson's perfect wifi passwords (63 pseudorandom printable characters).

If you want to use someone else's network, ask them first. If you want to share your network, understand the risks and how to properly mitigate them. Logging, network segregation, domain blocking, and multi-tier firewalls all help.

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Jeremy L. Gaddis <jlgaddis@ivytech.edu> wrote:
On 8/5/08 6:04 PM, "Paul Purdom" <pwp@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
> I am in CA using the open wireless connection of a neighbor of the
> people I am visiting. The signal is weak, and it appears the owners of
> the connection kick me off from time to time. Anyway, it is very nice to
> have this connection, so I have been thinking about setting up an open
> connection in my home once I get back. Does anyone reading this group
> know any reasons why it would be unwise to set up an open wireless
> system? If there are potential dangers, are there cures?


Do you mind someone parking on your street, using your wifi to download
child porn, and subsequently trying to prove to a jury of your peers that it
wasn't you?

Jeremy L. Gaddis
Network Administrator
Ivy Tech Community College
812.330.6156 (w)  812.391.3971 (m)

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Fwd: Professional Systems Coordinator Job at IU

Hi BLUG Owner,

I would be most grateful if you would post the appended email to the
mailing list. Thanks greatly.

Fred Luehring
IU Physics

Hi BLUG Members,

I would like to direct your attention to the following PA2-IT
(professional classification) job with the title "Computer Systems
Coordinator" in the IU Astronomy and Physics departments:


We are very interested in interviewing applicants that have Linux and/or
system administration experience though familiarity with Windows and Mac
OS is
also needed. The job responsibilities are a mixture of user support and
administration. Please see the listing for full details.

Instructions for applying for a professional job at IU can be found at:


Thanks greatly.

Fred Luehring
On behalf of the Astronomy and Physics Depts.

PS Feel free to pass this information on to anyone who you think would be
qualified and interested in applying.

Fred Luehring Indiana U. HEP mailto:luehring@indiana.edu 1-812-855-1025 IU
http://cern.ch/Fred.Luehring mailto:Fred.Luehring@cern.ch 41-22-767-1172

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

On 8/5/08 6:04 PM, "Paul Purdom" <pwp@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
> I am in CA using the open wireless connection of a neighbor of the
> people I am visiting. The signal is weak, and it appears the owners of
> the connection kick me off from time to time. Anyway, it is very nice to
> have this connection, so I have been thinking about setting up an open
> connection in my home once I get back. Does anyone reading this group
> know any reasons why it would be unwise to set up an open wireless
> system? If there are potential dangers, are there cures?


Do you mind someone parking on your street, using your wifi to download
child porn, and subsequently trying to prove to a jury of your peers that it
wasn't you?

Jeremy L. Gaddis
Network Administrator
Ivy Tech Community College
812.330.6156 (w) 812.391.3971 (m)

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

This comes from someone who has used open wireless networks in the past (and runs an open wireless n/w now).
People have started taking pride in "opening up" their wireless networks, and it has gained momentum with several such initiatives that strive towards creating a open, shared wireless community.
You might be interested in looking at --


Bruce Schneier had blogged about his reasons for running an open wireless network (http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/01/my_open_wireles.html) although I have also read counter-views about people violating and/or misusing the open wireless network. It makes much sense to join an existing open wireless network since their use is protected by agreements which prevent the user from abusing the network.

 -- Abhishek

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Paul Purdom <pwp@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
I am in CA using the open wireless connection of a neighbor of the people I am visiting. The signal is weak, and it appears the owners of the connection kick me off from time to time. Anyway, it is very nice to have this connection, so I have been thinking about setting up an open connection in my home once I get back. Does anyone reading this group know any reasons why it would be unwise to set up an open wireless system? If there are potential dangers, are there cures?

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

I am in CA using the open wireless connection of a neighbor of the
people I am visiting. The signal is weak, and it appears the owners of
the connection kick me off from time to time. Anyway, it is very nice to
have this connection, so I have been thinking about setting up an open
connection in my home once I get back. Does anyone reading this group
know any reasons why it would be unwise to set up an open wireless
system? If there are potential dangers, are there cures?

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] New GPG key

Is there a website for the IU LinuxFest? I might try to go to that one
as well.

Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> Barry Schatz wrote:
>> Did you mean Ohio LinuxFest? That's October 10-11. I will be in Ohio.
> No, I meant IU LinuxFest. I'll also be at Ohio LinuxFest on October 11
> if people want to do a keysigning there as well.
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] New GPG key

Barry Schatz wrote:
> Did you mean Ohio LinuxFest? That's October 10-11. I will be in Ohio.

No, I meant IU LinuxFest. I'll also be at Ohio LinuxFest on October 11
if people want to do a keysigning there as well.
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] New GPG key

Did you mean Ohio LinuxFest? That's October 10-11. I will be in Ohio.


Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> Steven Black wrote:
>> This is just an FYI. My last GPG key expired, so I've a new one.
>> I really should've caught it and signed the new one with the old one. :/
>> We should have a key signing party sometime.
> I'll be at IU LinuxFest on October 10 at the IMU.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] New GPG key

Steven Black wrote:
> This is just an FYI. My last GPG key expired, so I've a new one.
> I really should've caught it and signed the new one with the old one. :/
> We should have a key signing party sometime.

I'll be at IU LinuxFest on October 10 at the IMU.

[BLUG] New GPG key

This is just an FYI. My last GPG key expired, so I've a new one.

I really should've caught it and signed the new one with the old one. :/

We should have a key signing party sometime.

Steven Black <blacks@indiana.edu> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
Fingerprint: 108C 089C EFA4 832C BF07 78C2 DE71 5433 8596 FA8E

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

On Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 11:20:58AM -0400, Steven Black wrote:
> "IU Secure" SSID. http://kb.iu.edu/data/awws.html
> Currently there are live docs to set it up for Vista, XP, OS X, and iPhone.

It looks like the Linux documentation is in "DRAFT" state right now.
Available, but not currently searchable.


There's specific documentation for using IU Secure with Ubuntu 8.04,
Fedora 9, and openSUSE 11.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

Hash: SHA1

I do not think the VPN will be going away. The IU Secure SSID does let
you get full network access to all services without the VPN, if you are
OFF campus and in the cloud you will still need the VPN to get an IU IP
address. There are services that also utilize the VPN to restrict
services (some Library online materials) for licensing reasons. I do
not see VPN going away for some time, but one should always keep one's
ear to the ground.


Steven Black wrote:
> VPN for Wireless access will eventually be going away, to be replaced with the
> "IU Secure" SSID. http://kb.iu.edu/data/awws.html
> Currently there are live docs to set it up for Vista, XP, OS X, and iPhone.
> I know they've been working on getting documentation for Linux to set this up,
> but it isn't in the KB yet. The author sent me a draft, and I've pinged him to
> see if I could pass it here.
> IU Secure is much, much nicer than VPN. Most notably, you can change buildings
> and not drop your connections.
> Cheers,
> Steven Black
> On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 09:45:43PM -0400, initech wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone gotten the IU or IUPUI VPN connection to work on Linux? I am
>> running Xubuntu on an older laptop and my wife is taking it to IUPUI next week
>> for some classes. She needs to connect to the IUPUI VPN over wireless while
>> there. My wireless works fine and we can connect to the IUPUI VPN on my XP box
>> using the downloaded VPN connector from IUWare Online and her credentials.
>> I've been using the information from http://www.ussg.iu.edu/support/
>> documentation#iuvpn but can't seem to get a connection.
>> If this works, she'll willingly switch the whole house over to Linux (though we
>> may keep a dual-booted XP machine around just in case). I'd appreciate any
>> help on this matter so I can ditch XP as a daily OS in the house and get her
>> onboard with Linux.
>> Dirk
>> _______________________________________________
>> BLUG mailing list
>> BLUG@linuxfan.com
>> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

VPN for Wireless access will eventually be going away, to be replaced with the
"IU Secure" SSID. http://kb.iu.edu/data/awws.html

Currently there are live docs to set it up for Vista, XP, OS X, and iPhone.

I know they've been working on getting documentation for Linux to set this up,
but it isn't in the KB yet. The author sent me a draft, and I've pinged him to
see if I could pass it here.

IU Secure is much, much nicer than VPN. Most notably, you can change buildings
and not drop your connections.

Steven Black

On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 09:45:43PM -0400, initech wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone gotten the IU or IUPUI VPN connection to work on Linux? I am
> running Xubuntu on an older laptop and my wife is taking it to IUPUI next week
> for some classes. She needs to connect to the IUPUI VPN over wireless while
> there. My wireless works fine and we can connect to the IUPUI VPN on my XP box
> using the downloaded VPN connector from IUWare Online and her credentials.
> I've been using the information from http://www.ussg.iu.edu/support/
> documentation#iuvpn but can't seem to get a connection.
> If this works, she'll willingly switch the whole house over to Linux (though we
> may keep a dual-booted XP machine around just in case). I'd appreciate any
> help on this matter so I can ditch XP as a daily OS in the house and get her
> onboard with Linux.
> Dirk

> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] IU VPN connection on Linux

initech wrote:
> Has anyone gotten the IU or IUPUI VPN connection to work on Linux? I
> am running Xubuntu on an older laptop and my wife is taking it to IUPUI
> next week for some classes. She needs to connect to the IUPUI VPN over
> wireless while there. My wireless works fine and we can connect to the
> IUPUI VPN on my XP box using the downloaded VPN connector from IUWare
> Online and her credentials. I've been using the information from
> [1]http://www.ussg.iu.edu/support/documentation#iuvpn but can't seem to
> get a connection.
> If this works, she'll willingly switch the whole house over to Linux
> (though we may keep a dual-booted XP machine around just in case). I'd
> appreciate any help on this matter so I can ditch XP as a daily OS in
> the house and get her onboard with Linux.

As someone else mentioned, the VPN scripts from IUWare should work for
most Linux distributions. Also, the wireless setup at IUB and IUPUI
recently changed and VPN is only needed for specific situations that
don't apply to most faculty/staff/students.
BLUG mailing list