I had fiber with Smithville. Then we moved. :-( But while we had it
to our house is was awesome. 15-20Mbit/sec down and 4Mbit/up and it
rarely had issues. I had DSL with Smithville for 8 years before that and
almost never had problems. Smithville is a good provider IMHO.
I have Comcast now and they are ok. I actually was weary about going
with a cable provider because I used to work at an ISP that provided
both Cable and DSL and Cable was slower depending on your neighborhood
and DSL often had less problems for people. I can't speak for AT&T
U-verse, but I have a friend who has them and says its good.
I think it really will depend largely on where you are going to live.
David, Ben and Mark say its fine, but over by apartment complex X where
a bunch of rich flunkie students live who sit at home and watch
streaming video all day, the connection is horrible because its shared.
But I'm just talking theoretically, that's not to say that Comcast
doesn't do something to deal with situations like that.
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 04:29:47PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [ben@shewbox.org] said the following:
> I'll have to agree here as well. I rarely have connection issues and
> is consistently a quick connection. I have also been lucky in keeping
> my monthly cost low by being put on several different promotional
> pricing options. It doesn't always happen, sometimes I am not lucky
> and the price shoots up, but, for example, the last time it went up I
> called and complained and am currently on a 6 month promotional deal
> of $19.99/month for their higher speed service.
> I'm curious, though, does anyone outside of town have fiber with
> Smithville? A friend at school said he and his wife life outside town
> and they have fiber internet and TV with Smithville.
> Ben
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Mark Warner <mhwarner@gmail.com> wrote:
> > David Ernst wrote:
> >> I don't suspect that this will be a very popular opinion, but my
> >> connection with ComCast has been quite great. Three years, minimal
> >> need to restart CPE, never had to call tech support, downloads are
> >> impressively fast.
> >
> > Confirmed. They're no bargain, and I hate all the nonsense I've had to
> > go through with my TV service and the transition to digital (I just want
> > basic freaking cable, fer cryin' out loud), but as far as providing a
> > fast, trouble free connection is concerned, they've been great.
> >
> > It may not be of interest to anybody, but my IP hasn't changed in over
> > two years. Makes it easy to be able to serve up files directly with the
> > load of apache I have running on my Lenny based desktop.
> >
> > --
> > Mark Warner
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