I'm going through O'Reilly's "LPI Linux Ceritification in a nutshell"
and, indeed, man pages. I'll also be taking the "LPI Cram Session"
class at the "Ohio LinuxFest University" two days before the exam.
I don't really have an expectation one way or another on whether I
will pass this time.
On one hand, I don't have the 2 years of System Administration they
designed the exam for. On the other hand, I think I've learned my way
around pretty quickly, I've got years of practice taking standardized
tests in school (I'd say I have a knack for them), and I'm dedicated.
I don't know if I'll pass this time, but I know I will pass. If I
don't succeed, I will try again.
I also understand that it's been updated, at least since 1998.
"Configuring Communications Devices" has a weight of 1 while "Use
Debian Package Management" has a weight of 8 (out of 8).
But a lot of stuff that I don't yet know too much about also has high
weight in the test. I need to learn my way around RPMs, LILO, and all
the "GNU and Unix commands".
I'm quite aware that it won't be a walk in the park. But then if it
were, getting the Certification wouldn't mean anything. I'm going for
the cert to improve myself, it'd be disappointing if it was easy. ;-)
On 9/15/07, Mark Krenz <mark@slugbug.org> wrote:
> Welcome to the dark side. A good preperation for that exam is to read
> the man pages for all the commands. And I mean all of them. You almost
> can't study for that exam, it is a challenge for even those that have
> mastered the commands and it will kick the ass of anyone who doesn't
> know them. For instance, it will ask things like what does ls -f do.
> How many of you know without looking it up? And then it asks questions
> like what does chown -r do? To which the answer is nothing because
> there is no such option but of course they have the option for do the
> chown recursively there. -R does the operation recursively.
> I don't mean to scare you but you should have an idea about it not
> being a walk in the park. When I took it in 2004, some of the questions
> were very dated, showing that it had been written in 1998 or so and
> hadn't been updated, so you should expect to see questions about various
> dialup software.
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
> http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/
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