low-commitment involvement with an actual money-making bit of Ruby on
Rails programming I'm involved with. If that's of any interest to
you, read on...
One of my clients, for whom I've written a not-terribly-complex rails
app, is doing his annual audit and one of the things they always do is
disaster planning, so he wonders to whom he would turn if I died in a
plane crash. I think he's being a bit on the paranoid side, since
finding a rails programmer shouldn't be too difficult (as he himself
has confirmed). But, it probably makes it easy for him to say to his
board that he has a backup plan... and then he started thinking that
maybe when I'm too busy to do a task for him, we could see if the
backup person had time as well.
Familiarity with Rails is definitely desired, but if you've done
database/web development in other languages/frameworks and are
interested in Rails, I'm open to a discussion. you definitely do not
need to be a Rails guru. He'd prefer to work with someone local
and/or that we have reason to believe is a good person to work with.
Best of all, this actually pays! I suspect he's up for a couple few
hours of payment just to get familiar with the app, and if we start
sliding work your way, you get paid for any work you do on a
keep-track-of-your-hours-honestly basis. Probably around $40/hour, but
I can't commit to an exact amount at this time. Definitely nothing
near minimum wage, this is contract work! :)
If you or someone you know is interested, let me know. Thanks!
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