Tuesday, July 10, 2007
[BLUG] Meeting tonight
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] Meeting tonight?
ideas for dressing up the new laptop.
Let me know how it goes.
Thank you,
Scott Blaydes
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 15:07:53 -0400, Steven Black wrote
> Ana:
> The presentation will go ahead regardless of whether there is a projector.
> Without a projector, people just get to hear me lecture. Don't bother
> taking notes, just sit back and know that all the good stuff will be
> available online. (*)
> Cheers,
> Steven Black
> (*) People should still try to make it to the meeting, if possible.
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 01:29:19PM -0400, Pawsitive Results wrote:
> > Is the projector situation under control? I'm not sure I'll make it
> > tonight (although I plan to try!)
> >
> > Ana
> >
> > On 7/10/07, Steven Black < [1]blacks@indiana.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Mark: We hope you can make it to the meeting.
> >
> > The meeting is at 7pm at the Monroe County Library in room 1B.
> >
> > I will be giving a presentation on "Easy and Effective Theming".
> > Specifically covering theming from startup on.
> >
> > Included will be:
> > * GRUB background images
> > * Usplash themes (*)
> > * GDM themes
> > * Screen savers
> > * System icons
> >
> > With the broad topic, I'll be covering a lot of ground. There will be a
> > link
> > on the website < [2]http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/> for this meeting
> > <[3]http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting > which will
> > include a
> > link to a 5.3 page paper (plus references/links).
> >
> > (*) Usplash was created for Ubuntu. I know it is a little distribution
> > specific, but it is a popular distribution (and I use it). Included in
> > the paper are comments about the differences of Usplash to alternatives
> > like Bootsplash and Gensplash, as well as links to information to
> > create themes for those.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Steven Black
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > BLUG mailing list
> > [4]BLUG@linuxfan.com
> > [5]http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
> >
> > References
> >
> > Visible links
> > 1. mailto:blacks@indiana.edu
> > 2. http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/
> > 3. http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting
> > 4. mailto:BLUG@linuxfan.com
> > 5. http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
Scott Blaydes
pgp/gpg key avaliable upon request.
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] Meeting tonight?
The presentation will go ahead regardless of whether there is a projector.
Without a projector, people just get to hear me lecture. Don't bother
taking notes, just sit back and know that all the good stuff will be
available online. (*)
Steven Black
(*) People should still try to make it to the meeting, if possible.
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 01:29:19PM -0400, Pawsitive Results wrote:
> Is the projector situation under control? I'm not sure I'll make it
> tonight (although I plan to try!)
> Ana
> On 7/10/07, Steven Black < [1]blacks@indiana.edu> wrote:
> Mark: We hope you can make it to the meeting.
> The meeting is at 7pm at the Monroe County Library in room 1B.
> I will be giving a presentation on "Easy and Effective Theming".
> Specifically covering theming from startup on.
> Included will be:
> * GRUB background images
> * Usplash themes (*)
> * GDM themes
> * Screen savers
> * System icons
> With the broad topic, I'll be covering a lot of ground. There will be a
> link
> on the website < [2]http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/> for this meeting
> <[3]http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting > which will
> include a
> link to a 5.3 page paper (plus references/links).
> (*) Usplash was created for Ubuntu. I know it is a little distribution
> specific, but it is a popular distribution (and I use it). Included in
> the paper are comments about the differences of Usplash to alternatives
> like Bootsplash and Gensplash, as well as links to information to
> create themes for those.
> Cheers,
> Steven Black
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> [4]BLUG@linuxfan.com
> [5]http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
> References
> Visible links
> 1. mailto:blacks@indiana.edu
> 2. http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/
> 3. http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting
> 4. mailto:BLUG@linuxfan.com
> 5. http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] Meeting tonight?
have to play hooky a little bit between jobsites but
that's ok.
Park yourself in front of a world of choices in alternative vehicles. Visit the Yahoo! Auto Green Center.
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] Meeting tonight?
Mark: We hope you can make it to the meeting.
The meeting is at 7pm at the Monroe County Library in room 1B.
I will be giving a presentation on "Easy and Effective Theming".
Specifically covering theming from startup on.
Included will be:
* GRUB background images
* Usplash themes (*)
* GDM themes
* Screen savers
* System icons
With the broad topic, I'll be covering a lot of ground. There will be a link
on the website < http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/> for this meeting
<http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting > which will include a
link to a 5.3 page paper (plus references/links).
(*) Usplash was created for Ubuntu. I know it is a little distribution
specific, but it is a popular distribution (and I use it). Included in
the paper are comments about the differences of Usplash to alternatives
like Bootsplash and Gensplash, as well as links to information to
create themes for those.
Steven Black
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] Meeting tonight?
The meeting is at 7pm at the Monroe County Library in room 1B.
I will be giving a presentation on "Easy and Effective Theming".
Specifically covering theming from startup on.
Included will be:
* GRUB background images
* Usplash themes (*)
* GDM themes
* Screen savers
* System icons
With the broad topic, I'll be covering a lot of ground. There will be a link
on the website <http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/> for this meeting
<http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/wiki/32nd_meeting> which will include a
link to a 5.3 page paper (plus references/links).
(*) Usplash was created for Ubuntu. I know it is a little distribution
specific, but it is a popular distribution (and I use it). Included in
the paper are comments about the differences of Usplash to alternatives
like Bootsplash and Gensplash, as well as links to information to
create themes for those.
Steven Black
BLUG mailing list
[BLUG] Meeting tonight?
Linux geek wannabe. CLI phobic, but able to follow directions. Wanna
keep learning. Looking to add to my resources, currently mostly Usenet
and Web forums.
Not sure if I could make it anyway, but there's been no announcement
concerning the monthly meeting since I signed up a week or so ago. Is it
on? Any specific topic or theme?
Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] spoofed process names?
> Wow, easier than I expected. Fortunately you can still find out what
> the actual process is called by grepping out the Name: line in /proc/[pid]/status
What if everything in there is actually spoofed too, or for that matter
our whole human existence is just one giant spoof, man?
What if this email is a spoof and Mark Krenz wrote this? Or, what if
this Mark Krenz spoofed email is also a spoof and I really wrote it?
Have I blown anybody's mind yet?
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 12:34:51PM GMT, Brian Wheeler [bdwheele@indiana.edu] said the following:
>> Nah, its "normal". Consider this perl program:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> $0="hello there!";
>> sleep 1000;
Joe Auty
NetMusician: web publishing software for musicians
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] spoofed process names?
On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 11:55 +0000, ben lipkowitz wrote:recently i was poking around on a shared mainframe and saw that a user wasrunning a rather interesting process:nullogic q8 - Mon06PM 11:57 Hey, I dont look at you...where normally it would look something like this:fenn rc - Mon07PM 0 (pine)any ideas on how this might have been accomplished?hint: sometimes i can get "w" to say "... (zsh)" at the end.this is a NetBSD system btwcuriouser and curouserNah, its "normal". Consider this perl program:#!/usr/bin/perl$0="hello there!";sleep 1000;run it and then do a ps -ef:bdwheele 31578 31505 0 08:31 pts/6 00:00:00 hello there!From the perlvar manpage, there's a description of what's going on:$PROGRAM_NAME$0 Contains the name of the program being executed.On some (read: not all) operating systems assigning to $0 modi-fies the argument area that the "ps" program sees. On someplatforms you may have to use special "ps" options or a differ-ent "ps" to see the changes. Modifying the $0 is more usefulas a way of indicating the current program state than it is forhiding the program you're running. (Mnemonic: same as sh andksh.)Note that there are platform specific limitations on the maxi-mum length of $0. In the most extreme case it may be limitedto the space occupied by the original $0.In some platforms there may be arbitrary amount of padding, forexample space characters, after the modified name as shown by"ps". In some platforms this padding may extend all the way tothe original length of the argument area, no matter what you do(this is the case for example with Linux 2.2).Note for BSD users: setting $0 does not completely remove"perl" from the ps(1) output. For example, setting $0 to "foo-bar" may result in "perl: foobar (perl)" (whether both the"perl: " prefix and the " (perl)" suffix are shown depends onyour exact BSD variant and version). This is an operating sys-tem feature, Perl cannot help it.In multithreaded scripts Perl coordinates the threads so thatany thread may modify its copy of the $0 and the change becomesvisible to ps(1) (assuming the operating system plays along).Note that the view of $0 the other threads have will not changesince they have their own copies of it.Brian/\-/\( o.o )<_____> <________fenn____________________________________________________BLUG mailing list_______________________________________________BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] spoofed process names?
the actual process is called by grepping out the Name: line in /proc/[pid]/status
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 12:34:51PM GMT, Brian Wheeler [bdwheele@indiana.edu] said the following:
> Nah, its "normal". Consider this perl program:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $0="hello there!";
> sleep 1000;
Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] spoofed process names?
> recently i was poking around on a shared mainframe and saw that a user was
> running a rather interesting process:
> nullogic q8 - Mon06PM 11:57 Hey, I dont look at you...
> where normally it would look something like this:
> fenn rc - Mon07PM 0 (pine)
> any ideas on how this might have been accomplished?
> hint: sometimes i can get "w" to say "... (zsh)" at the end.
> this is a NetBSD system btw
> curiouser and curouser
Nah, its "normal". Consider this perl program:
$0="hello there!";
sleep 1000;
run it and then do a ps -ef:
bdwheele 31578 31505 0 08:31 pts/6 00:00:00 hello there!
>From the perlvar manpage, there's a description of what's going on:
$0 Contains the name of the program being executed.
On some (read: not all) operating systems assigning to $0 modi-
fies the argument area that the "ps" program sees. On some
platforms you may have to use special "ps" options or a differ-
ent "ps" to see the changes. Modifying the $0 is more useful
as a way of indicating the current program state than it is for
hiding the program you're running. (Mnemonic: same as sh and
Note that there are platform specific limitations on the maxi-
mum length of $0. In the most extreme case it may be limited
to the space occupied by the original $0.
In some platforms there may be arbitrary amount of padding, for
example space characters, after the modified name as shown by
"ps". In some platforms this padding may extend all the way to
the original length of the argument area, no matter what you do
(this is the case for example with Linux 2.2).
Note for BSD users: setting $0 does not completely remove
"perl" from the ps(1) output. For example, setting $0 to "foo-
bar" may result in "perl: foobar (perl)" (whether both the
"perl: " prefix and the " (perl)" suffix are shown depends on
your exact BSD variant and version). This is an operating sys-
tem feature, Perl cannot help it.
In multithreaded scripts Perl coordinates the threads so that
any thread may modify its copy of the $0 and the change becomes
visible to ps(1) (assuming the operating system plays along).
Note that the view of $0 the other threads have will not change
since they have their own copies of it.
> /\-/\
> >( o.o )<
> _____> <________fenn_____
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com
> http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
BLUG mailing list
Re: [BLUG] spoofed process names?
removing the password argument from showing up in the process list. I
always wondered how they do that. I think I tried it again recently and
it doesn't do that anymore. Maybe something has changed in Linux that
prevents it now (which I think is the right thing to do).
It could be that the system you logged into itself has some kind of
process table viewing protection. There are some patches for Linux that
make it so that you can't view other user's processes. But that's
different from what you are asking about.
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 11:55:52AM GMT, ben lipkowitz
[fenn@sdf.lonestar.org] said the following:
> recently i was poking around on a shared mainframe and saw that a user
> was running a rather interesting process:
> nullogic q8 - Mon06PM 11:57 Hey, I dont look at you...
> where normally it would look something like this: fenn rc -
> Mon07PM 0 (pine)
> any ideas on how this might have been accomplished? hint: sometimes i
> can get "w" to say "... (zsh)" at the end. this is a NetBSD system
> btw
> curiouser and curouser
> /\-/\
> >( o.o )<
> _____> <________fenn_____
> _______________________________________________ BLUG mailing list
> BLUG@linuxfan.com http://mailman.cs.indiana.edu/mailman/listinfo/blug
Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list
[BLUG] spoofed process names?
running a rather interesting process:
nullogic q8 - Mon06PM 11:57 Hey, I dont look at you...
where normally it would look something like this:
fenn rc - Mon07PM 0 (pine)
any ideas on how this might have been accomplished?
hint: sometimes i can get "w" to say "... (zsh)" at the end.
this is a NetBSD system btw
curiouser and curouser
>( o.o )<
_____> <________fenn_____
BLUG mailing list