Monday, December 31, 2007

[BLUG] Any ideas as to another place for meetings?

Does anyone know of a good place to meet with the following ammenities?

* Open til 10pm or later. (or perhaps its just ok to stay til that time)
* Can hold 20+ people comfortably.
* Located in Bloomington
* Internet access (preferably a wall jack and wireless because some
people bring in their desktop computers)
* Would be nice if it had a projector screen, but not absolutely necessary.

I know there are a lot of meeting places at IU like this, but I'm not
affiliated with IU anymore so there would need to be someone dedicated
to reserving the rooms. Also, what would that mean for internet access
if you aren't a student?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Time for a discussion on time

I'm sorry but I have a problem with this:

date +"date: %Y %m %d, Standard week number: %W of %Y, ISO week number %V of %G"
date: 2007 12 31, Standard week number: 53 of 2007, ISO week number 01 of 2008

IMHO, week numbers should only refer to the current year because
that's really the only place they are useful, in dividing up the year.
Obviously in human terms, this week is made up of two different years,
but in computer terms, that is too confusing. If I run a command that
returns 200801, that tells me that its already 2008, but its not.


Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list