loaner to someone.
Also, I KNOW there are more people on the list than have responded, so I
wonder why so many people are just lurking.
Lastly, was a date finalized? According to the date survey, April 18th
worked best.
Date poll:
Mark Krenz wrote:
> I'm sorry to the couple of people who responded, I just don't want to
> bother with it if only 2 or 3 people are going to show up over the
> course of a whole day. I was hoping for like 10-20 people.
> If more 10 people can convince me that they would definately make it
> next Saturday the 18th and they can bring a computer of their own, then
> I will hold it, buy pizza, drinks, etc.
> To convince me, all you have to do is answer this survey:
> Don't get me wrong, I'd love to host this event because it will be a
> lot of fun, but right now it just doesn't seem that enough people are
> interested.
> Mark
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 03:27:10PM GMT, Barry Schatz [] said the following:
>> :(
>> And here I was ready to bring most of my computing power to show off. It
>> sucks, but that's reality I guess.
>> -Barry
>> Mark Krenz wrote:
>>> Not enough interest was shown in the Linux LAN Party, so I'm just
>>> going to cancel it. Enjoy your weekend.
>>> Mark
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