Sunday, May 11, 2008

Re: [BLUG] BLUG Meeting, Tues May 13

Hello All:

I very much wanted to attend this meeting as the topic is of particular interest to me (though I think I would've enjoyed virtually all of them).  It doesn't look like, however, I'll be able to attend (again!).  I wonder if it would be possible to get this taped so that it can be viewed later?  Or a screencast with some sort of voice over?  I realize this might be too much of a pain, and that's okay.  But I figured I'd ask.
Have fun at the meeting - sounds like it's going to be a real cool one!

[BLUG] BLUG Meeting, Tues May 13


Sorry for the late notice on this, I've had trouble (probably because of
my newbosity) getting the Library to confirm that I actually have the
meeting room reserved.

Anyway, we have (I think) meeting room 1B at the Monroe County Public
Library reserved for this coming Tuesday (May 13) at 7:00pm. I believe
we're scheduled to hear a presentation on some music software (I can't
remember the name, it's been a long weekend) from Bob Piercy (Bob- I'll
bring a projector, if you need one).

I'll also plan to (informally) discuss Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
with any and all interested. Bring your issues, maybe somebody will be
able to help!

Next month (June) we'll hold another informal meet-n-greet at a local

Have a happy Monday, and I'll hope to see you Tuesday evening.

Dave Cooley

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