Sunday, August 12, 2007

Re: [BLUG] Trying something new

On 8/11/07, Mark Krenz <> wrote:
> Its almost like clockwork on a server that good drives only last 5
> years. Its also a wear thing not a time thing. I've been able to boot
> up old Macs with IDE drives from the 80s 15 years later after they were
> built so its not bit rot that is doing it.

<knocking on wood>I have, personally, never had a hard disk
fail.</knocking on wood>

Only floppy disks.

Though, at my new job, we're going through renovations. They (the
contractors) decided we (the Technology Department) had to move our
office/server room into the new area because they were demolishing the
old area.

It rained. In our new office. On our production servers.

"Oh," they said, "well, we'll fix that."

It rained again. They hadn't "fixed that". I'm told the damage is
worse (I was in Kansas for a funeral when it struck, my boss called to
tell me not to bother coming in on Friday).

Power has been shut off to that whole area of the building since
Thursday. Total Technology Blackout. Monday morning we go in to find
out what can be salvaged.

I can pretty much guarantee I'll see rare and exotic breeds of
equipment failure I'd never even dreamed of.

This job is proving to be interesting.

Greetings from the Northern Fort.


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