Monday, September 17, 2007

Re: [BLUG] LPI exams (was C++)

On Sat, Sep 15, 2007 at 02:13:01PM -0400, Simón Ruiz wrote:
> I'm going through O'Reilly's "LPI Linux Ceritification in a nutshell"
> and, indeed, man pages. I'll also be taking the "LPI Cram Session"
> class at the "Ohio LinuxFest University" two days before the exam.

Perhaps I'll see you at the Ohio LinuxFest.

With regards to the LPI, I don't know if most folks are aware, but
the Ubuntu certification leans heavily upon the LPI exams. Basically,
it is just one final Ubuntu-specific exam after taking the two LPI

> On one hand, I don't have the 2 years of System Administration they
> designed the exam for. On the other hand, I think I've learned my way
> around pretty quickly, I've got years of practice taking standardized
> tests in school (I'd say I have a knack for them), and I'm dedicated.

I've not taken the LPI exams (yet). However, I have taken the MySQL

While I also had a knack for standardized tests in school, my
experience of certification exams is that well, they're virtually
nothing like school exams. Expect no stupid clearly wrong answers.
Expect most of the questions to have only almost-correct answers.
Expect more questions which explicitly have more than one correct
answer. ("Which of the following are correct?" Answers are attached
to checkboxes, not a radio buttons.)

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

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