Saturday, September 1, 2007

Re: [BLUG] operation: computer upgrade (Xen)

Mark Krenz wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 04:51:26PM GMT, Joe Auty [] said the following:
>> I want this machine to run Linux, but also run FreeBSD and Windows in
>> parallel via Xen. I intend to install a processor/motherboard supporting
>> either Pacifica or XT (I'll need to ensure that this can be enabled
>> within the bios as well).
> You mean VT, not XT. If you want XT, I have a 25 year old computer to
> sell you. ;-)

Yeah, I keep on getting these two confused for some reason :)

>> Xen questions:
>> - What does the client/face of Xen look like? Could I run a Windows game
>> full screen at native speeds, and control the game via Synergy? Or, does
>> Xen only run within a window and expect that you will access this
>> environment via RDP/VNC/SSH?
> Heh, this was one of the first questions I had before installing Xen.
> Xen works more as a server behind the scenes. You don't really see
> anything. Its like booting Linux except you use a Xen compatible
> kernel. Then you connect to the consoles of the virtual machines. Your
> dom0 or the host domain can run X windows and then you can use vnc to
> connect graphically to the domUs or guest domains. In my case, I only
> have used Xen on servers so far so all I need is to use ssh or if I want
> to see the console use "xm console machinename" in a terminal window.
> Synergy isn't necessary although it will be interesting once synergy
> becomes a full software KVM instead of just a KM. THe developer says he
> is working on that. Then perhaps you will be able to move your mouse to
> the edge of the screen and it will "switch the screen to your Windows,
> Linux or other VMs, etc. But that might be a few years off.

Ahhh, so I guess this spoils my preconceptions and very tentative plans.
I can see that Xen is a much different beast than VMWare. How far is
VMWare away from offering full virtualization (i.e. direct access to the
hardware for things such as game playing)?

Joe Auty
NetMusician: web publishing software for musicians
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