Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Ben, sorry to take so long in responding to your email you sent me, I
owe you a response there...

I will add one more thing here though:

For a while I kind of went through a phase where I was questioning
whether I'm a failed musician because I'm not going to be making the
bulk of my income performing. However, I'm from Canada and know of a
few Juno willing jazz musicians up there. One who played with Oscar
Peterson and is considered a God on his instrument is a carpenter in
his day job, so it's not at all uncommon.

If players like him have to find ways to piece together a living doing
stuff other than performing, what hope is there for the rest of us?
It's not a question of failure or success, it's a matter of earning a
living, which is another matter altogether. Many players I have talked
to have found that their music is actually more inspired without the
burdens of having to rely on getting gigs as a means of survival.

On Mar 25, 2008, at 6:30 PM, David Ernst wrote:

> Another musician/computer nerd here. It is common. I personally have
> my Masters in Music Theory from the good old IU School of Music. But
> my professional life has been almost all about computers, including
> (ironically) while I was still in music school.
> As for how to get into the biz, I agree with most of what others have
> said... Basically, follow you geek muse, and go get a job. Taking an
> hourly IU job will lead to something better for just about anyone who
> is good with computers, in my experience. Get something on your
> resume and get some real life experience, and soon you'll be pleased
> with your options. I bet. :)
> David
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
>> Ben,
>> As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
>> college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter
>> of
>> people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
>> should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
>> computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
>> being a programmer or an administrator.
>> The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
>> that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
>> electronic instruments.
>> There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
>> consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
>> Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need
>> these
>> people for software that they write.
>> So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
>> already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I
>> think the
>> computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10
>> years. For
>> the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to
>> graphics,
>> but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
>> stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music
>> and
>> cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your
>> own
>> house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize
>> that
>> there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
>> Including musicians.
>> I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will
>> have
>> something to say too.
>> Mark
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [benshewmaker@yahoo.com
>> ] said the following:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this
>>> mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music
>>> education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I
>>> quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was
>>> looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic
>>> music and so started a masters in electronic music from the
>>> University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself
>>> back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me
>>> and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a
>>> position to teach electronic music at the university level (which
>>> is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.
>>> turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few
>>> positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10
>>> positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
>>> Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least
>>> glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in
>>> computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like
>>> saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a
>>> categorization as there are many specific areas of study within
>>> music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the
>>> right direction to find out what types of positions are out there,
>>> how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also,
>>> what type of education is required to enter this field and are
>>> there any really good schools nearby for computer science type
>>> degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing
>>> about their other departments.
>>> Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
>>> Ben Shewmaker
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>> Bloomington Linux Users Group
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