Monday, April 7, 2008

Re: [BLUG] April Meeting 04-08-2008

Alright everybody, I reserved a table for 8 or 10 folks at 7:00 Tuesday under the name "B-LUG".

In case you've never been there, Yogi's is at the intersection of 10th Street and Indiana Ave, northwest corner.

They couldn't guarantee that we'd be in on the "patio", so if you can't find us ask them or look around a bit.
Dave Cooley

Ben Shewmaker wrote:
As long as I can get someone else to cover my shift Tuesday, I plan on being there.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dave Cooley <>
To: Bloomington LINUX Users Group <>
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2008 11:24:48 PM
Subject: Re: [BLUG] April Meeting 04-08-2008

Sweet, so right now we have myself, Jeremy, Walker, Bob, and Mitch.

Looking forward to seeing you folks, as well as anyone else who can
show.  I'm gonna post this at my message board too, we might get one or
two extra folks from there.

I just called Yogi's and they confirmed that it's OK to be under 21 on
the "patio" that early in the evening (I got the impression that they
might stop letting younger folks in after an undisclosed time).

So, it's set then.  I'll wait until Monday afternoon (so that I can get
a better estimate of the headcount), then I'll reserve a table for us
(for Tuesday, at 7).  I'll reserve it under the name "B-LUG", but
honestly the patio isn't that big.  I'm sure you'll have no trouble
finding us.

For reference, if you've never met me before, I'm 6'1" with red hair and
a red beard.

Anyone else coming?


Dave Cooley

Walker W. Townsend wrote:
> Looking forward to it.
>          Walker
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