Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Party Hardy!

I've been using Hardy [remix] w/KDE4 for roughly a
month now and I have to say I approve of the
architectural changes. Without getting out of my
depth, it even feels better engineered.
That said, the interface is pretty bad right now.
Most of the functions I've come to believe are
synonymous with Kde are missing or are severely
limited. With each patch, more things have been
implemented and I expect the trend will continue, but
be wary.
Also, my personal favorite, and the on feature
that kept me using the Mac OS for so long is the
Finder "column view" which dolphin now has (oh yeah
they use dolphin now instead of konqueror :/). It's
almost as functional as the OsX finder.

--- Steven Black <> wrote:

> I've been using the Hardy beta on a laptop for a
> couple weeks now. I

> kubuntu-kde4: In the universe repository there's a
> version of Kubuntu
> using the beta of KDE4. (I think there will be
> Kubuntu-KDE4 ISOs, too.)
> The KDE fans should check it out if they've not
> looked at what is in
> store for KDE4. It definitely looks interesting. I
> must also warn,
> though, that though it looks neat, KDE4 is still in
> beta. Some things
> have not been ported to KDE4 (the Kubuntu-KDE4
> package includes the KDE3
> packages in those cases), and I've seen some
> stability problems with it
> (not surprising this early).
> Cheers,
> Steven Black

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