Friday, April 25, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Party Hardy!

I have also had a problem. Overall, I like Hardy, but I no longer have broadcom wireless support like I HAD easily under Gutsy. What's with that?! I had no problem just clicking on the hardware driver button in Gutsy, and had wireless. But now, I try that, and it just puts me through and endless cycle of  Enable? click yes......... "reboot required": after reboot, still no wireless, find System / Hardware drivers ... there it is again, check box unchecked, but says "in use". Click again on "Enable", "reboot required"........ over and over.

I finally followed directions on Ubuntu forums to a 't' to disable native driver and install ndiswrapper and cabextract blah blah blah and so forth and so on, with no success. Does anyone have any idea when Ubuntu will fix that? You'd think they could just leave the driver in they had last time if the new one wouldn't work...

Would it be possible to replace my wireless in this laptop? What card would anyone on the list recommend?


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Steven Black <> wrote:
Was that Koversation (KDE3) or Koversation-KDE4?

I can see that sort of thing being lost between the KDE3->KDE4 versions.
Then again, I can also see using a KDE4 app that isn't designed with private KDE4-specific location in $(HOME) migrating data to the KDE4
method, which results in the data being lost when used in the KDE3
version again.

I've not noticed any problems like that myself, but then on my Hardy
system I do very little except SSH in to my work desktop (currently 6.06
LTS). My work desktop uses Koversation, but I'll probably not bother
installing any of the KDE4 apps there.

Steven Black

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 06:47:58AM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
> I want to throw in that Hardy managed to bite me slightly recently.  On a
> recent update, wish I would have kept track better, konversation managed to
> lose all of my channels I had set already but it kept all my servers.  It
> also changed my default id's back to it's suggested names based on user name.
> just a warning to everyone out there

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