Wednesday, June 18, 2008

[BLUG] Looking to Sell my Computer

Hey everybody,

I'm looking to sell my newer Dell desktop to buy a newer laptop.  I was wondering what you all thought was a fair price for the machine (and of course, if anyone is interested let me know :)  I bought it less than a year ago from Dell.  It is an XPS something or other, I'm not at homer right now so I don't remember the exact model number, I just know it's not the top of the line XPS behemoth.

Intel Quad core @ 2.4ghz
2gigs ram
nvidia 8600 gt
320gig main hd, 2 500 gig extra sata drives  (all western digital 7200rpm)
dual layer dvd burner
19' widescreen dell monitor (which, btw, has a damaged stand.  the monitor works fine, but the stand is a bit messed up)
Vista Home premium came with it as well



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