Monday, September 22, 2008

Re: [BLUG] New OS

Mark Krenz wrote:
> Mark Warner said the following:
>> Most recently, I set up a box for a "charity case" (friend of wife) with
>> PCLinuxOS. Wife went out and bought a new printer (HP, at my insistence)
>> to go with it. Came back with an All in One print/copy/scan gizmo.
>> Printing set up automagically, but the copy/scan function would *not*
>> work for nuthin'.
> I used to have problems like that, but since about Ubuntu 7.04 I
> haven't. Do you remember which printer it was? I have a HP Officejet
> 5610 that works great under Linux. Even our big color laserjet 3550n in
> our office works now.
> Also, how did you test the scanning?

This was a couple months ago, so I don't recall the details. I spent an
entire evening on it, going through everything I could scare up from HP,
Sane, PCLOS, and Google. Wife (not into 'nix) was harrumping over my
shoulder the whole time. (The install I had in place was sweet --
PCLinuxOS 2008 MiniMe with everything a typical home user would need or
want, and it ran like a scared rabbit on a 1.2GHz/384MB.) I blew it up,
loaded XP, and washed my hands of it. Wife takes the support calls now.

Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318

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