Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Re: [BLUG] December meeting?

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:52:51PM -0500, Barry Schatz wrote:
> I know there are Vi keybindings in Bash, but I figured since I'm
> switching shells anyway I might as well learn as much as I can.

I understand. VI-like bindings are neat, but they can mess with your
ability to assist coworkers. (This is why I don't use a Dvorak keymap.)

> Zsh has a bunch of features that I'm only getting started with. Spelling
> correction in typed commands is one. The completion is also more
> friendly. I'm not purging bash or anything, just trying a new shell and
> seeing if it fits my needs better. I might even switch to Ksh someday.

My understanding is that on all regards ZSH is generally better than
KSH. That's just rumor, of course, but I don't ever really hear people
speaking highly of KSH. I only hear people using pdksh because they
needed to use some craptastic commercial UNIX-like system which only has
KSH. They install pdksh on the Linux machines so their users will have
the same shell experience, and their scripts will continue working.

This is a far cry from the people using ZSH. ZSH isn't the default shell
anywhere, yet is readily available and easily portable. It is also good
enough that it continues to thrive in a shell world where even Solaris
has dropped the Korn Shell, and only the BSD folks still think C-shells
are cool.

In fact, I really think I've heard that ZSH can do everything KSH can do
but better. I've also heard rumors that scripting the ZSH is less likely
to have some of the security concerns that plague BASH. Of course, these
are both unfounded rumors that I "heard somewhere", so I may be wrong.

Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
Fingerprint: 108C 089C EFA4 832C BF07 78C2 DE71 5433 8596 FA8E

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