Thursday, February 19, 2009

Re: [BLUG] A Little Help?

Yes I agree - and in addition to the attendence issue, someone has to maintain the videos - edit, upload, maintain, trackdown/find storage, etc.  Your solution seems to be a good middle ground.  We shoudl bring it up if we haven't already.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Steven Black <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:40:57AM -0500, Matt Zink wrote:
> I'm tempted to ask what the group thinks about shooting videos of some
> of these presentations somewhere, then hosting them for clods like me
> to watch later. But I know that isn't cool for many reasons! Glad to
> hear it was cool,

This has been brought up before. We've never done it, but other LUGs

Unfortunately, the LUGs that have recorded their presentations and
posted them online find it actually serves to damage the group in two
different ways:

1. Fewer people actually make it to the meeting
2. The quality of the presentations suffer as a result

When the presentations are online, people fall in to the pattern of
being lazy and just watching from home. Then, when there isn't enough
people actually attending, the presenters don't feel the pressure to do
a good job and the presentations themselves start sucking.

Personally, I favor oral presentations with written reports on the
wiki. You get something from actually being there for the presentation,
but all the resources are retained online for future members and the
community at large. This is what I did with my presentation on theming a
while back.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

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