Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Bloomington Lan party April 18th @ Fountain Squre

I plan to be there all day, but I won't have hardware 3D. Also, I don't
enjoy first person shooters. (This is the primary reason I've never
bothered with hardware 3D.)

Battle for Wesnoth - turn-based strategy
Gate 88 - real-time strategy
netPanzer - real-time strategy
Mistlands - role-playing game
Frozen Bubble - fun
Tornado ( - looks fun

I'm a big fan of strategy games.

All the following require OpenGL.

Nexuiz - OpenGL + FPS
Enemy Territory - OpenGL + FPS
World of Padman - OpenGL + FPS
BZflag - OpenGL + FPS

OpenArena - OpenGL + FPS
Daimonin - OpenGL + MMORPG
Warsow - OpenGL + FPS

Armagetron - OpenGL(?)
Tux Racer - OpenGL
Legends - OpenGL
Glest - OpenGL
Globulation 2 - OpenGL real-time strategy
Scorched 3D - OpenGL
Cube and Cube 2 - OpenGL FPS
Cannon Smash - OpenGL

Unreal Tournament 2004 - OpenGL FPS
Neverwinter Nights - OpenGL
Fight Win Prevail - (abandoned in 2006) OpenGL by way of Ogre

Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
Fingerprint: 108C 089C EFA4 832C BF07 78C2 DE71 5433 8596 FA8E

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