Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Intrepid login at ivy tech problems

Hi Jim,

I'm neither an Eee owner nor an Ubuntu (or Mint) user, but I'll do what
I can.

First, I presume you're talking about using Firefox to display a
specific webpage to login to the wi-fi. Is that correct? If not, what
browser and version are you using, and what exactly is the error you are
getting? Do you get a blank page? A warning from the access point? A
warning from the browser saying the page isn't there? When you go to the
portal page and it doesn't display, can you do "View Source" and see the
HTML source for the portal page?

Also, are there any add-ons that could be getting in the way? NoScript
breaks pages frequently and requires you to manually whitelist pages.
Are you using the same version of Firefox through all these tests? It's
possible the portal refuses to work with "unsupported" browsers (I think
the concept of "supported browsers" is total BS, but that's a rant for
another time).

Have you tried a different browser?

-Barry Schatz

jim marple wrote:
> OK i am pulling my hair out on this one. A friend of mine is a IVY
> tech student and i cant get his laptop running linux mint felicia
> (ubuntu 8.10 based) to display the portal page. It shows as connected
> and brings up a page to redirect to the login portal but will not
> display the portal page.
> I even tried 3 diffrent versions of intrepid (Eeebuntu on my eeepc
> 900a), (stock ubuntu on my eeepc 900a) and (stock ubuntu 8.10 live cd
> on his laptop).
> My eeepc 701 running Gos and linux mint elyssa both ubuntu 8.04 based
> works fine it seems to be only 8.10 thats haveing a problem.
> Any sugestions would be greatly appreciated. I really dont want to
> reinstall his laptop with a 8.04 based distro if i dont have to but
> its looking like thats the only fix for now.
> Thanks for any help offered.
> James Marple
> P.S. On a side note anyone wanting to disscuss any of the educational
> stuff let me know.
> Mom owns the penny lane daycares we have been getting wonderful
> results with the kids and edubuntu!!
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