Thursday, June 4, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Alternative focus

On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 11:18:13PM -0400, Gillis, Chad wrote:
> So you're right Steven, the focus following the mouse is called
> SloppyFocus in FVWM. Then what I'm talking about has the added
> MouseFocusClickRaisesOff feature.

I may not have out-right said it. KDE has this capacity. It is
configured in the same preference I mentioned previously.

The ability of turning off click-to-raise *should* be a fairly
standard feature.

Apparently in GNOME it was considered a "raise-on-click controversy."

In the brunt of the
controversy appeared to be:
|I still think this one is pretty detrimental to any ambitions GNOME
|may have to be a good desktop, but it's required for the UNIX and tech
|workstation market. The two are just in conflict. [...]

So as of at least 2008, there is a general GNOME setting for this. (This
as a result of almost every distribution patching metacity to add the
feature. They all used different -- frequently buggy -- patches.)

In the instructions
for setting it is:
|1) click alt+f2 and type in gconf-editor
|2) go to apps>metacity>general
|3) remove the tick in raise_on_click

More information about this can be found on:

> It might sound pointless if you've never used it, but now that I've
> been using it for a while I've gotten used to it. [...]

I've explored a lot of window managers, and in most I either configured
some form of Focus Follows Mouse, or I gave up on it quickly. (The
only time I do neither is when I want to learn to accept the normal

What can actually become more of an annoyance if you don't find it
elsewhere are the easy titlebar one-clicks to raise and lower the
window. I can be otherwise accepting of a click-to-raise/click-to-focus
environment, but still annoyed if I can't easily raise and lower a


Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
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