Monday, June 8, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Apt-get vs Aptitude

David Ernst wrote:
> I've probably underestimated just how important package management
> is to me. Honestly, I hate dealing with it, so the faster I get it
> done probably correlates strongly with how happy I am with a distro.

My first successful installs of Linux were Breezy and MEPIS 3.3-1, both
Debian based, and both using apt/Synaptic. To this day, I still can't
get comfortable with any desktop distro that isn't Debian based. The
only exception is PCLinuxOS, but that's because it uses apt-for-rpm.

It appears that with Lenny, Synaptic is being deprecated in favor of
Aptitude. However, my distro of choice (the Lenny based MEPIS 8) still
defaults to Synaptic. I also understand that mixing the two can
conceivably cause problems. So for now I'm gonna stick with ol'
reliable. Old dog != new tricks

Prolly need to set up a test install of Squeeze and start pokin' around.

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

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