Friday, July 31, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Did ATT mess up your cell phone, too?

2009/7/31 Mark Krenz <>:
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 01:32:20PM GMT, Mark Krenz [] said the following:
>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 01:14:50PM GMT, Jonathan North Washington [] said the following:
>> >
>> > Yeah, it's pretty consistent, especially in the west, though in some
>> > places (e.g. Central Asia) it takes a different form.  For example,
>> > the decision making power is distributed among a much smaller section
>> > of the population, and a much higher percent gets screwed over by the
>> > decisions.
>>  Yes but if you pull back enough to see the bigger picture you see that
>> what happens eventually is that the right side of the graph overthrows
>> the left side in a revolution, thus deciding how things will go. You
>> may be able to surpress what the left side wants for a while, but not
>> forever.
>  I'm sorry I meant to say the left side (the people) overthrows the
> right side (the government).

And then an elite few become the government and the cycle starts over.

On a slightly more on-topic note, and tie things together, I've been
having DNS issues with all wikipedia-related sites off and on
recently, and I called my ISP (—I'm in Kyrgyzstan for the
summer), and they checked it out, reporting "that site works fine for
us, and it's not one of the sites we block." ..... Yeah. But then
even in Australia they overtly block certain sites, iiuc.


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