> I like Ubuntu, and I like Linux (especially on the server end of
> things), but we are so incredibly far away from the "year of Linux on
> the Desktop" it's sort of laughable.
> The upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 has been a disaster for many, this has been
> widely documented online.
> I realize that every OS has its strengths and weaknesses, and I realize
> that Ubuntu is not designed to be a more conservative sort of Linux OS
> like Debian.
> My main point is more of a question. Why doesn't the Ubuntu team put a
> hold on adding new features and just work their butts off getting the
> mundane unsexy stuff to work, and in improving performance overall?
> I realize that Ubuntu may not be the most conservative choice for this
> criteria, but it is also the first Desktop Linux OS that comes to mind
> for most people.
You've answered your own question. Ubuntu is *not* a conservative,
stability-oriented distro. If that's what you want, then don't use
Ubuntu. There are plenty of other distros out there that are more
conservative, more stable, reasonably current, and yet are still known
as "user-friendly". My distro of choice, SimplyMEPIS, is one of them.
I'll grant you that Ubuntu has the largest "mind share" and gets the
most publicity, but I'll argue that it's not the best choice for an
unsophisticated user wanting to migrate from Windows.
IMO, the best Ubuntu release was Dapper. You might recall that Dapper is
v6.06, *not* v6.04 as originally intended. Why? Because it wasn't ready
in April; it wasn't until June that they had it stabilized to the point
that they felt it could/should be released. Since then, they've met
their target release dates, stability be damned.
Mark Warner
Registered Linux User #415318
BLUG mailing list
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