Sunday, November 8, 2009

Re: [BLUG] newbee

ted mishler wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to linux, and downloaded XPressLinux as an iso, and it works great. I'd like to learn a few things though, and wondered when the group is going to get together? Or is it that everyone just emails questions now?

XPressLinux is one I hadn't heard of. Appears to be an old (circa 2006,
perhaps abandoned?) Kubuntu derivative.

That being the case, I can probably give you some general tips and
pointers from a relatively new user's standpoint, but won't be able to
address that distro specifically.

If you'd like to try something else, something that's current but
similar, I would recommend you take a look at SimplyMEPIS v8:

Like Kubuntu, it's based on Debian, uses the KDE desktop (the tried and
true version 3.5.10), and is geared to the newcomer.

"SimplyMepis - This is one of the Debian derivatives that takes a stable
base and builds it into one mighty fine desktop distributions. It was
one of the first to offer one of those install and go solutions. It was
the first to include that proprietary code others avoided for legal
reasons. They offer paid support options, but not on the scale of
Novell, Red Hat, or Mandriva. And it always looks pretty too.
SimplyMepis is another one that pops into mind if I need a quick, easy,
and guaranteed successful system."

Mark Warner
Registered Linux User #415318

BLUG mailing list

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