Monday, November 9, 2009

Re: [BLUG] newbee

Steven Black wrote:
> Mark Warner wrote:
>> I long ago settled on MEPIS (Lenny based, KDE 3.5.10, tweaked and
>> massaged to my liking). That said, one of the best learning experiences
>> I've ever had -- and one that has made me appreciate the work that the
>> distro maintainers do all the more -- is to take a Debian netinstall,
>> UNcheck everything and start out with a totally stripped-down CLI
>> install, and build it up from scratch.
> It sounds like you're basically doing Linux From Scratch
> <> except using Debian as the earliest
> stage, and without using a handbook. -- Is that right?

I'd say it's a lot more elementary that a Linux From Scratch build.

I start with a base Debian CLI install. The first command I do after
logging in for the first time is

apt-get install kdm synaptic kdebase

and go from there, installing packages with Synaptic. I've learned
enough to know a few tricks, like needing to install the cups and
foomatic packages to get printer support. Sometimes I'll go with the
various metapackages that Debian offers; it kind of defeats the purpose
of trying to learn exactly what needs to be in place to perform a
particular task, but it keeps the frustration level down to a manageable

Mark Warner
Registered Linux User #415318

BLUG mailing list

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