Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Linux podcasts?

I looked up the URLs for each of the ones listed to make it easier
on folks.

On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 06:35:35PM -0500, Simón Ruiz wrote:
> It's been a while, but some good names I remember include:
> The Linux Link Tech Show (Lots of dead air, but they cover a pretty
> good range of stuff; adult content, often)

> Lotta Linux Links (Good, random stuff) (OGG only)

> FLOSS Weekly ("professionally produced", less dead air and such, was
> quarterly for a while, but last I checked they were coming out pretty
> regularly again)

> Linux Outlaws (A German and a Brit, interesting perspectives random
> topics you wouldn't get from a strictly American show)

> Linux Basement

> Software Freedom Law Show (Yes, lawyer geeks, pretty good)

When I heard the name of it, I was wondering if it was one of Bradley
Kuhn's projects. He's a good friend of a friend of mine.

I should ask the question on Facebook and see if any other good shows
come out from folks I know. ... and now I have.

> Linux Action Show (Now Computer Action Show??? Loud and opinionated;
> take with a grain or two of salt.)

They joined Jupiter Broadcasting and became The Computer Action show
after their 100th episode. That happened in 2009-08.

A quick view of their feed makes Jupiter Broadcasting appear to be the
FoxNews of geek podcasts. (*That* kind of fair and balanced.) I'm just
not interested.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

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