As far as Linux taking over on the desktop, no, I don't think its going to happen. Its been "This is the year that Linux takes over on the desktop!" for at least 14 years now. I could write a 10 volume epic on why I think this is, starting with too much fracturing, egos, and infighting within the Linux community. This is the group of people that for the first 5 years of its existence the biggest focus within the community was do we pronounce it lie-nucks, lee-nucks or lin-ucks.
Having said that, though, I will say there is one thing that could happen that could radically change that possibility over a very short period of time. If Adobe would release a version of CS5 Master Collection that ran natively on Linux, that could be the first nail in Windows' coffin. If you look at any poll on the most wanted commercial application for Linux, what ever the current version of Photoshop and Premier is when the poll is taken is the winner every time. That could be a serious game changer.
On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Joe Auty <> wrote:
I know this is sort of troll-like, but I do mean this in a constructive way. I've wanted Linux to be ready for the Desktop, but I just don't think it will ever get there. At what point does it make sense to just focus on using Linux on servers and give up on using it as a Desktop OS?
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