Saturday, May 8, 2010

Re: [BLUG] I don't think Linux will ever be ready for the Desktop

The place you downloaded the Cinepaint RPM from should either also provide the dependancies or provide clues as to where to go.

If you have no luck and can't find the source, the source should be available in Debian/Ubuntu/SimplyMEPIS/etc "pool" directories as tarballls (either tar.bz2 or tar.gz). Debian-style source packaging uses the canonical source archive and a separate set of patches -- all of it save a plain-text control file are standard GNU file formats and so can be subverted for other distributions and purposes. With any luck the source also references the canonical home for the library.

This isn't me pushing a distro, this is me saying I *know* that's a last-ditch location to find the source.

Steven Black

On May 8, 2010 3:43 PM, "Walker W. Townsend" <> wrote:

> In case you aren't aware of it, there is an 8-bpp version of GIMP
> called FilmGimp that is no...

I downloaded the RPM and was able to find and install all the
dependencies save one, "". Google only listed
earlier versions. Any idea where to procure this one.


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