Monday, July 26, 2010

[BLUG] OT -- need AGP video card

I've been working on a charity
take-two-junkers-and-make-one-workable-box project on and off for a few
days, and could really use a more recent video card than what I've got

The problem I'm running into is that the owner has a 19" widescreen LCD,
and the antique ATI Rage card that I've got doesn't support any
widescreen resolutions under Windows. The latest driver is dated 2001.
(This is set up as a Win/Lin dual boot, and of course I have no problem
at all on the Linux side -- the vesa driver gives me 1280x800 OOTB.)

If anybody has a more recent AGP card laying around that they could
spare (preferably nVidia), I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to
put it to good use. As I said, this is a charity project -- the owner
has a collection of donated components that I'm this -->|==|<-- far away
from making into a usable system.

mhwarner at gmail...

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

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