Friday, March 16, 2012

Re: [BLUG] SAN (for Ubuntu 8.4 and 10.4) recommendation?

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 02:59:12PM GMT, Paul Purdom [] said the following:
> I just had to remark that 10 TB being small seems funny to me, given the
> amount of memory I use to get by with.

Yes, however for a SAN that is small. Where I work we have SANS near
100TB. And we're on the low end compared to some very big companies.
There really is a lot of waste though. People don't know how to properly
manage their data.

I once calculated that at the rate we're going, by the time I'm 85
years old (2061). We'll be in the yottabyte of storage era. Of course
there are all kinds of obstacles to get there, but so where there in
getting to GBs and TBs.

110YB would approximately be enough to record the entire lifetime of
every person who has ever lived in HD.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

Sent from Mutt using Linux
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