Wednesday, May 9, 2007

[BLUG] Bragging rights

Okay, this may not be a big deal to some of you, but I was pretty proud
of myself for it. I successfully installed Gentoo 2007.0 via a stage 3
minimal install. I have tried this a few times, but never ended up with
a usable machine afterwards. This time I had a few problems with the
dhcp client, but was able to fix it since I actually understood what I
was doing. My main complaint though is that vi is not included in the
default install or the install media, but nano is. Almost bad enough to
make me want to go back to emacs.

Now I love Ubuntu, and I know it has a place in the landscape of Linux
Distros, but sometimes it is nice to install a distro that makes you
think and learn about what you are doing. Now I won't pretend that I
understand everything that I did while following the handbook
instructions, but I understood enough to take care of a problem that I
did come across.

I have been running Ubuntu on my desktop since 5.04, but I still think
back to a Debian install I had years ago as my favorite since I had set
it up from scratch and poured quite a bit of time into getting to do
everything I wanted at the time. Damn, Automatix has spoiled me.

Scott Blaydes
BLUG mailing list

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