Monday, April 28, 2008

Re: [BLUG] thoroughly unimpressed with Hardy

Simón Ruiz wrote:

> If I don't do that sort of fiddling, my upgrades work. Since I do,
> though, I avoid the hassle of even trying.
> Plus, as Mark said, it's a good opportunity for personal computing
> habit reflection and an excellent chance to let go of some of the
> garbage I know I accumulate on my hard disks.

Take this for what it's worth, from a barely competent desktop user that
doesn't know beans about back end/server stuff:

Ubuntu is a fine distro, and Hardy is a fine version, but it's not my
cup of tea. For me, it's too "Windowsy" at the level of the stock GUI.
Seems like it gets in the way of doing things the way I'd like, at least
in it's default configuration. That very well may be more of a Gnome
thing than an Ubuntu thing. I admit to being partial to KDE. And while
Kubuntu is more to my liking, it just doesn't turn my crank (how's that
for an empirical assessment?).

The last distro that really caught my fancy and got me excited about
using Linux (and what finally became my default working environment) was
SimplyMEPIS v6.5, a KDE implementation of Ubuntu Dapper. Warren Woodford
and I seem to be on the same wavelength -- I just felt like I'd found a
home there.

MEPIS 7 has been out for some time, and is now sitting atop a Debian
Etch/stable code base. Other than installing and tweaking a few
packages, the transition will entail nothing more than installing,
updating, editing fstab to point to my /home, and making it my default
boot in menu.lst -- a forty minute operation at most. But that's not
gonna happen for a while -- I don't need the latest and greatest, and my
current OS ain't broke and doesn't need fixin'.

Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318

BLUG mailing list

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