Monday, April 28, 2008

Re: [BLUG] thoroughly unimpressed with Hardy

Steven Black wrote:
> Being a KDE fan, you may want to try one of the Kubuntu-KDE4 live CDs,
> just to get a taste of what is to come in KDE4.

Already have. Let's just say I'll need some convincing. :-)

> If MEPIS starts following the Debian time-lines, you may get tired of
> waiting for the next release. Debian has this issue in part because
> few Debian users actually *use* the stable branch. This was the major
> reason I started looking at other distributions, back before I settled
> on Kubuntu.

MEPIS has always taken a rap for being "outdated". The MEPIS 7 repos do
offer some apps that have been updated from what are available in Debian
stable. Open Office is one that comes to mind.

Personally, I don't care about latest and greatest. When I was running
Windows, I didn't move from W98SE until late in the game, and even then
I only moved "up" to W2K as my working environment. I'll go along with
Warren's emphasis on stability and usability over "new and improved".

Bringing it back to the original subject, I have installed both Ubuntu
and Kubuntu (KDE3) Hardy. Both installs were uneventful, and the few
minor post-install configurations I've done went fine. I still don't
like Gnome, and I still find the Kubuntu implementation of KDE to be
less than appealing.

But my observations don't mean much. I can barely drive the thing.

OTOH, if desktop Linux is going to continue making appreciable inroads,
it's people like me that are going to have to use it.

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

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