Friday, May 4, 2007

[BLUG] [Fwd: MCPL Room Reservation Request Approved]

Scott asked me to make the appointment.

We have our room for this month. Please note the date.


The meeting next month is moved as the room was reserved for the 15th.

I used the 22nd at the request of Scott.

Steven Black

Re: [BLUG] Spiderman 3

>I wonder if they'll have an IMAX version of the film or will just
>project the standard film on the IMAX screen. I've seen films projected
>the latter way and it's not as impressive as true IMAX.

I'll go further than that: I think regular films shown in IMAX are
annoying... tons of distortion, stright lines becoming curved, etc.
So, I wonder too..

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] BZFlag game tommorow

We had a successful session of BZFlag last Saturday with 7 people
playing and a few people wrote me afterwards to say how fun it was. The
server barely broke a sweat, which is good. Tommorow night we'll play
BZFlag again so I hope you'll be able to join. I've expanded the wiki
page for the gaming sessions and provided links to instructions, a
schedule of games so that you can see what is coming up and have time to
prepare. And also for the commercial games, it will help you consider
whether you'd want to buy the game or not. We'll probably play a
commercial game every couple weeks.


Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list