Monday, March 31, 2008

Re: [BLUG] vim undo search

Its quick and dirty, but it works. I usually just search for


That of course will highlight lasdkfjalsdkfj. Which shouldn't exist,
except for in this e-mail and any file called test. ;-)

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:59:53PM GMT, Deepan [] said the following:
> Hi All,
> After we search for something in vim using
> /searchterm .. how does one undo the search
> highlighting. I don't want to set the
> hightlighting off. I just want to turn off the
> highlighting of current matches. I generally
> search for some garbage word which would return no
> matches to get around.
> Regards
> Deepan
> Sudoku Solver:

> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] vim undo search

Use :noh

And you might want to check out these links:


On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Deepan <> wrote:
Hi All,
After we search for something in vim using
/searchterm .. how does one undo the search
highlighting. I don't want to set the
hightlighting off. I just want to turn off the
highlighting of current matches. I generally
search for some garbage word which would return no
matches to get around.
Sudoku Solver:

BLUG mailing list

Jeffrey Stuart May

[BLUG] vim undo search

Hi All,
After we search for something in vim using
/searchterm .. how does one undo the search
highlighting. I don't want to set the
hightlighting off. I just want to turn off the
highlighting of current matches. I generally
search for some garbage word which would return no
matches to get around.
Sudoku Solver:

BLUG mailing list

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Wow. What a story. I got goosebumps!

Thanks for the "link" ;-)

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 12:31 PM, ben lipkowitz <> wrote:
> "In short, synthetic serendipity doesn't just happen. You must create it."
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

"In short, synthetic serendipity doesn't just happen. You must create it."

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Simón Ruiz wrote:

> FWIW, I got where I am by pursuing my own interests both on and off
> the job, and by doing it in the open source community I left an open
> "paper trail" (blogs, mailing lists, published stuff) that my current
> employer was able to use to assess my aptitude in lieu of a
> certification. (Though I'm now pursuing my LPI cert.)
> A year ago I was working as bottom-rung tech support at a high school,
> but I'd gotten a chance to work with Linux and I loved that; it
> scratched an intellectual itch I hadn't been able to scratch in a very
> long time. I scratched and scratched that itch.
> Scratching that itch plugged me into all kinds of different
> communities revolving around my interests and passions. The
> announcement that this position was opening up landed in my Inbox, and
> it practically had my name on it.
> The opportunity came to me, and I was ready to recognize it and take
> it, because I'd pursued my own genuine interests. I'd woven a web (no
> pun intended) and eventually something landed on it.
> I will gladly acknowledge that there was a heavy element of
> chance/luck/synchronicity; I definitely feel blessed/lucky. I'm still
> sort of in awe at how the stars aligned right when I was ready for
> them to.
> I would be selling myself short, though, if I didn't acknowledge all
> the work that I put in to be in the right place at the right time,
> even though I wasn't doing that work with this outcome in mind. (I
> don't think I would have put that much effort into it if I had been
> doing it just to get a job, to be honest.)
> Simón
> P.S. I did have to be open to moving away from Bloomington—not
> something I'd wanted, or have totally gotten over yet—to be open for
> the opportunity I took. The Bloomington job market is pretty brutal.
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

FWIW, I got where I am by pursuing my own interests both on and off
the job, and by doing it in the open source community I left an open
"paper trail" (blogs, mailing lists, published stuff) that my current
employer was able to use to assess my aptitude in lieu of a
certification. (Though I'm now pursuing my LPI cert.)

A year ago I was working as bottom-rung tech support at a high school,
but I'd gotten a chance to work with Linux and I loved that; it
scratched an intellectual itch I hadn't been able to scratch in a very
long time. I scratched and scratched that itch.

Scratching that itch plugged me into all kinds of different
communities revolving around my interests and passions. The
announcement that this position was opening up landed in my Inbox, and
it practically had my name on it.

The opportunity came to me, and I was ready to recognize it and take
it, because I'd pursued my own genuine interests. I'd woven a web (no
pun intended) and eventually something landed on it.

I will gladly acknowledge that there was a heavy element of
chance/luck/synchronicity; I definitely feel blessed/lucky. I'm still
sort of in awe at how the stars aligned right when I was ready for
them to.

I would be selling myself short, though, if I didn't acknowledge all
the work that I put in to be in the right place at the right time,
even though I wasn't doing that work with this outcome in mind. (I
don't think I would have put that much effort into it if I had been
doing it just to get a job, to be honest.)


P.S. I did have to be open to moving away from Bloomington—not
something I'd wanted, or have totally gotten over yet—to be open for
the opportunity I took. The Bloomington job market is pretty brutal.

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 01:10:19PM -0400, Mark Warner wrote:
> No offense taken. I know I'm a grunt. Nevertheless, people pay good
> money for grunt work. How much does your auto mechanic charge? Does he
> have a BS in automotive engineering? :-)

Heh. Personally, I have a service technician come out and take care of
my servers when it might involve anything I'm not familiar with in the
case. I'll swap a hard drive easily enough, and if it is hot-pluggable
I'll do pretty much anything. If it's a 1U case and I've little idea how
it is setup or configured, I'd much rather have someone who may have
dealt with it before take a look at it. It's in my support contract, so
there's no reason for me to stress with it.

The HP techs I've dealt with recently have all been based in Indy. Even
the ones that used to be based in B-ton relocated further north where
there's more work.

> Providing good service at a fair price is honorable work, no matter what
> the field. That goes for plumbers, delivery drivers, waiters, and hod
> carriers, in addition to computer-fixers. I have a small but loyal
> number of clients that rely on me for their computer support. I charge
> them a fair price and provide them blue ribbon service, within my
> limitations. I'm just not in a position to strike out on my own.

My father had a little computer shop in a small town for a year or
so. I worked for him there some. We went so far as to even do one-off
short-order software contracts. (We had someone come in once and ask how
much it would cost for a program to test keyboards in 3 days.) It just
didn't get enough business in the end, and we had to close shop.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Steven Black wrote:
> Mark Warner wrote:
>> I'm a middle aged working class hero that got "into" computers about ten
>> years ago. (I'd been using them in the workplace since the early
>> eighties, but considered them 'magic boxes'.) I'm totally self taught,
>> with no credentials and no tech-related work history.
> Mark, part of the problem here may be that when it comes to grunt labor
> fixing computers (particularly Windows computers) there are a number of
> clear certifications that they look for. If you really want to repair
> computers, you should probably look in to getting A+ certified.

I know, I know...

> I mean no offense when I say "grunt labor", but it is actually how many
> manufacturers have seen the issue. I knew a fellow in the late 90's
> that repaired computers for a number of manufacturers. Depending on the
> problem a different component would be replaced. There was none of the
> elegance or thought required to replace either the right part or to
> preserve the user's data. The first thing replaced was generally the
> hard drive, and that without informing the owner. He didn't like it, but
> that was all the manufacturers were paying for. If he did anything else,
> he'd be doing it for free. They either had backups, or they knew their
> error and would have backups in the future.

No offense taken. I know I'm a grunt. Nevertheless, people pay good
money for grunt work. How much does your auto mechanic charge? Does he
have a BS in automotive engineering? :-)

Providing good service at a fair price is honorable work, no matter what
the field. That goes for plumbers, delivery drivers, waiters, and hod
carriers, in addition to computer-fixers. I have a small but loyal
number of clients that rely on me for their computer support. I charge
them a fair price and provide them blue ribbon service, within my
limitations. I'm just not in a position to strike out on my own.

The best fit for me and my skill set would be in a large organization
that supports a lot of desktops, or in a retail repair shop. In either
case, I've not had any luck getting my foot in the door for even as much
as a discussion or interview. Not surprising in this town, but it is

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Pawsitive Results wrote:
> Just FWIW, what worked for me was getting a job with a small business
> who had traditionally outsourced all things IT. I hired in an unrelated
> position (bookkeeping, specifically). Gradually, my "Oh, that's not a
> big deal; I can fix that!" translated into the powers that be realizing,
> "Hey, we'd be money ahead if we hired a new bookkeeper, and let Ana
> handle the computers (and marketing, which had fallen to me in about the
> same way.) They were well aware that I wasn't really-truly qualified,
> but with a good sense of when to give up and yell for help, that kind of
> on-the-job training can add up to some good skills and solid experience.

Actually, that's kinda where I'm at now. I was hired in as a
buyer/purchasing coordinator. Their workstations were a mess. First
thing I did was blow mine up and rebuild it from scratch. Soon enough, I
was doing all the tech stuff that they had normally outsourced.
Unfortunately, we're a real small outfit, so that doesn't amount to
anything close to full time work. It's just another entry on the "Mark
can do that list". I don't mind -- it gives me a break from the normal
routine, and I'm given non-monetary consideration for doing it.

Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Just FWIW, what worked for me was getting a job with a small business who had traditionally outsourced all things IT. I hired in an unrelated position (bookkeeping, specifically). Gradually, my "Oh, that's not a big deal; I can fix that!" translated into the powers that be realizing, "Hey, we'd be money ahead if we hired a new bookkeeper, and let Ana handle the computers (and marketing, which had fallen to me in about the same way.) They were well aware that I wasn't really-truly qualified, but with a good sense of when to give up and yell for help, that kind of on-the-job training can add up to some good skills and solid experience.

Ana Greavu
U-AgI Norwood's Linux Hypervisor (Xen)
U-AgI Thunderpaws Blackheart NA NAJ PS1 PJ1 CL2 CL3-R (Jett)

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Steven Black <> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 07:13:36PM -0400, Mark Warner wrote:
> I'm a middle aged working class hero that got "into" computers about ten
> years ago. (I'd been using them in the workplace since the early
> eighties, but considered them 'magic boxes'.) I'm totally self taught,
> with no credentials and no tech-related work history.

Mark, part of the problem here may be that when it comes to grunt labor
fixing computers (particularly Windows computers) there are a number of
clear certifications that they look for. If you really want to repair
computers, you should probably look in to getting A+ certified.

I mean no offense when I say "grunt labor", but it is actually how many
manufacturers have seen the issue. I knew a fellow in the late 90's
that repaired computers for a number of manufacturers. Depending on the
problem a different component would be replaced. There was none of the
elegance or thought required to replace either the right part or to
preserve the user's data. The first thing replaced was generally the
hard drive, and that without informing the owner. He didn't like it, but
that was all the manufacturers were paying for. If he did anything else,
he'd be doing it for free. They either had backups, or they knew their
error and would have backups in the future.

Again, if you can solve problems and communicate well with people I'd
still recommend starting in a support position somewhere. Unfortunately,
depending on your existing commitments, this may not be something you
can afford doing.

If you want to get in to software, there are plenty of people that
started off by making a great piece of software on their own. This is
something that can be worked on as a hobby while maintaining a day job
making ends meet. With an end product that is open source, it is easy
for a potential employer to look at some of your actual work to decide
whether you have the skills they are looking for.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 07:13:36PM -0400, Mark Warner wrote:
> I'm a middle aged working class hero that got "into" computers about ten
> years ago. (I'd been using them in the workplace since the early
> eighties, but considered them 'magic boxes'.) I'm totally self taught,
> with no credentials and no tech-related work history.

Mark, part of the problem here may be that when it comes to grunt labor
fixing computers (particularly Windows computers) there are a number of
clear certifications that they look for. If you really want to repair
computers, you should probably look in to getting A+ certified.

I mean no offense when I say "grunt labor", but it is actually how many
manufacturers have seen the issue. I knew a fellow in the late 90's
that repaired computers for a number of manufacturers. Depending on the
problem a different component would be replaced. There was none of the
elegance or thought required to replace either the right part or to
preserve the user's data. The first thing replaced was generally the
hard drive, and that without informing the owner. He didn't like it, but
that was all the manufacturers were paying for. If he did anything else,
he'd be doing it for free. They either had backups, or they knew their
error and would have backups in the future.

Again, if you can solve problems and communicate well with people I'd
still recommend starting in a support position somewhere. Unfortunately,
depending on your existing commitments, this may not be something you
can afford doing.

If you want to get in to software, there are plenty of people that
started off by making a great piece of software on their own. This is
something that can be worked on as a hobby while maintaining a day job
making ends meet. With an end product that is open source, it is easy
for a potential employer to look at some of your actual work to decide
whether you have the skills they are looking for.

Steven Black

BLUG mailing list

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

David Ernst wrote:
> As for how to get into the biz, I agree with most of what others have
> said... Basically, follow you geek muse, and go get a job. Taking an
> hourly IU job will lead to something better for just about anyone who
> is good with computers, in my experience. Get something on your
> resume and get some real life experience, and soon you'll be pleased
> with your options. I bet. :)

Easier said than done. Then again, maybe I have unrealistic expectations.

I'm a middle aged working class hero that got "into" computers about ten
years ago. (I'd been using them in the workplace since the early
eighties, but considered them 'magic boxes'.) I'm totally self taught,
with no credentials and no tech-related work history.

Nevertheless, I'm pretty darn good at fixing borked Windows machines
(software or hardware), recovering data, building machines, etc.
Compared to you guys, I'm a hack. Compared to 98% of the public, I'm a
freaking wizard. I don't claim to know anything about enterprise
networking, but when it comes to desktops I'll toot my own horn pretty
loudly. Bring me a borked Windows desktop machine and I'll either fix
it, or I'll save your data and set it up like new. (Of course, the
exception is a physically failed hard drive.)

I have made inquiries with several outfits here in town (both personal
and via email) that do retail repairs to consumer machines. I've offered
to "apprentice" myself to them at either no charge or at minimum wage or
on piece rate or under any terms agreeable to them -- just to get my
foot in the door, establish my bona fides, and find out if I'm as good
as I think I am.

I can't even get a response. Not even a "Thanks, but no thanks."

Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

I guess I should have said more about this too...

I know a lot of musicians who are now professional musicians. But,
most of them, in my estimation, don't like their profession all that
much. They still love music, but the kind of work that pays the bills
the best is often not very inspiring (private lessons, weddings,

And, while Oscar Peterson would never let me on a stage with him, I'm
still very happy to be a musician. I play whenever I feel like,
sometimes it's not very much, sometimes it's much more. But I always
feel like a musician, and it feels good. In my opinion, there's too
much focus on the professional part of "professional musician". I
love playing music with friends, and most of them are far from
professional. There's more joy than money in music.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 06:44:33PM -0400, Joe Auty wrote:
>Ben, sorry to take so long in responding to your email you sent me, I
>owe you a response there...
>I will add one more thing here though:
>For a while I kind of went through a phase where I was questioning
>whether I'm a failed musician because I'm not going to be making the
>bulk of my income performing. However, I'm from Canada and know of a
>few Juno willing jazz musicians up there. One who played with Oscar
>Peterson and is considered a God on his instrument is a carpenter in
>his day job, so it's not at all uncommon.
>If players like him have to find ways to piece together a living doing
>stuff other than performing, what hope is there for the rest of us?
>It's not a question of failure or success, it's a matter of earning a
>living, which is another matter altogether. Many players I have talked
>to have found that their music is actually more inspired without the
>burdens of having to rely on getting gigs as a means of survival.
>On Mar 25, 2008, at 6:30 PM, David Ernst wrote:
>>Another musician/computer nerd here. It is common. I personally have
>>my Masters in Music Theory from the good old IU School of Music. But
>>my professional life has been almost all about computers, including
>>(ironically) while I was still in music school.
>>As for how to get into the biz, I agree with most of what others have
>>said... Basically, follow you geek muse, and go get a job. Taking an
>>hourly IU job will lead to something better for just about anyone who
>>is good with computers, in my experience. Get something on your
>>resume and get some real life experience, and soon you'll be pleased
>>with your options. I bet. :)
>>On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
>>>As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
>>>college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter
>>>people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
>>>should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
>>>computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
>>>being a programmer or an administrator.
>>>The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
>>>that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
>>>electronic instruments.
>>>There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
>>>consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
>>>Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need
>>>people for software that they write.
>>>So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
>>>already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I
>>>think the
>>>computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10
>>>years. For
>>>the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to
>>>but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
>>>stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music
>>>cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your
>>>house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize
>>>there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
>>>Including musicians.
>>>I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will
>>>something to say too.
>>>On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker
>>>[ ] said the following:
>>>>Hey all,
>>>>I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this
>>>>mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music
>>>>education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I
>>>>quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was
>>>>looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic
>>>>music and so started a masters in electronic music from the
>>>>University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself
>>>>back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me
>>>>and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a
>>>>position to teach electronic music at the university level (which
>>>>is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.
>>>>turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few
>>>>positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10
>>>>positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
>>>>Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least
>>>>glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in
>>>>computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like
>>>>saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a
>>>>categorization as there are many specific areas of study within
>>>>music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the
>>>>right direction to find out what types of positions are out there,
>>>>how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also,
>>>>what type of education is required to enter this field and are
>>>>there any really good schools nearby for computer science type
>>>>degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing
>>>>about their other departments.
>>>>Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
>>>>Ben Shewmaker
>>>>Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
>>>>BLUG mailing list
>>>Mark Krenz
>>>Bloomington Linux Users Group
>>>BLUG mailing list
>>BLUG mailing list
>BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Ben, sorry to take so long in responding to your email you sent me, I
owe you a response there...

I will add one more thing here though:

For a while I kind of went through a phase where I was questioning
whether I'm a failed musician because I'm not going to be making the
bulk of my income performing. However, I'm from Canada and know of a
few Juno willing jazz musicians up there. One who played with Oscar
Peterson and is considered a God on his instrument is a carpenter in
his day job, so it's not at all uncommon.

If players like him have to find ways to piece together a living doing
stuff other than performing, what hope is there for the rest of us?
It's not a question of failure or success, it's a matter of earning a
living, which is another matter altogether. Many players I have talked
to have found that their music is actually more inspired without the
burdens of having to rely on getting gigs as a means of survival.

On Mar 25, 2008, at 6:30 PM, David Ernst wrote:

> Another musician/computer nerd here. It is common. I personally have
> my Masters in Music Theory from the good old IU School of Music. But
> my professional life has been almost all about computers, including
> (ironically) while I was still in music school.
> As for how to get into the biz, I agree with most of what others have
> said... Basically, follow you geek muse, and go get a job. Taking an
> hourly IU job will lead to something better for just about anyone who
> is good with computers, in my experience. Get something on your
> resume and get some real life experience, and soon you'll be pleased
> with your options. I bet. :)
> David
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
>> Ben,
>> As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
>> college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter
>> of
>> people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
>> should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
>> computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
>> being a programmer or an administrator.
>> The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
>> that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
>> electronic instruments.
>> There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
>> consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
>> Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need
>> these
>> people for software that they write.
>> So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
>> already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I
>> think the
>> computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10
>> years. For
>> the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to
>> graphics,
>> but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
>> stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music
>> and
>> cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your
>> own
>> house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize
>> that
>> there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
>> Including musicians.
>> I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will
>> have
>> something to say too.
>> Mark
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [
>> ] said the following:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this
>>> mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music
>>> education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I
>>> quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was
>>> looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic
>>> music and so started a masters in electronic music from the
>>> University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself
>>> back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me
>>> and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a
>>> position to teach electronic music at the university level (which
>>> is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.
>>> turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few
>>> positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10
>>> positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
>>> Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least
>>> glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in
>>> computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like
>>> saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a
>>> categorization as there are many specific areas of study within
>>> music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the
>>> right direction to find out what types of positions are out there,
>>> how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also,
>>> what type of education is required to enter this field and are
>>> there any really good schools nearby for computer science type
>>> degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing
>>> about their other departments.
>>> Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
>>> Ben Shewmaker
>>> ____________________________________________________________________________________
>>> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> BLUG mailing list
>> --
>> Mark Krenz
>> Bloomington Linux Users Group
>> _______________________________________________
>> BLUG mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Another musician/computer nerd here. It is common. I personally have
my Masters in Music Theory from the good old IU School of Music. But
my professional life has been almost all about computers, including
(ironically) while I was still in music school.

As for how to get into the biz, I agree with most of what others have
said... Basically, follow you geek muse, and go get a job. Taking an
hourly IU job will lead to something better for just about anyone who
is good with computers, in my experience. Get something on your
resume and get some real life experience, and soon you'll be pleased
with your options. I bet. :)


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
> Ben,
> As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
>college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter of
>people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
>should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
>computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
>being a programmer or an administrator.
> The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
>that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
>electronic instruments.
> There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
>consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
>Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need these
>people for software that they write.
> So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
>already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I think the
>computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10 years. For
>the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to graphics,
>but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
>stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music and
>cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your own
>house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize that
>there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
>Including musicians.
> I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will have
>something to say too.
> Mark
>On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [] said the following:
>> Hey all,
>> I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music. turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
>> Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also, what type of education is required to enter this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other departments.
>> Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
>> Ben Shewmaker
>> ____________________________________________________________________________________
>> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
>> _______________________________________________
>> BLUG mailing list
>Mark Krenz
>Bloomington Linux Users Group
>BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Well said, Steven.

I'm a full-time geek and a part-time musician, myself. There are five guys
(including me) in my rock band; we're all IT folks. Recently, we had to get a
different rhythm guitarist because the first one decided to focus his attention
on the larvae he and his wife were busy gestating; we traded a SQL guy for an
OS/hardware guy. :)

Granted, the industry may be somewhat different now than when I got into it, but
I got into IT with no degree at all (and of course there wasn't much in the way
of degrees relating to "IT" back then anyway). Well, OK, I had two years of a
four-year theater major.... :P

If you really want to have some related schooling before you jump into the job
market, you may wish to get yourself some sort of a certification (Linux,
Microsoft, Cisco, A+, etc); the most basic certs on a given track can generally
be had relatively quickly.

With or without a certification, I'd jump right in to the job market. I
personally (as did, I'd imagine, at least a few folks here) cut my teeth at UITS
(though it was UCS then) "Support Center" back in the day. Depending on your
particular interests (especially if those interests include support and
systems/network administration) you can get a really broad overview of lots of
different jobs and careers while you're there. You'll also meet lots of smart
folks, which is always awesome.

I know nothing about working in the computer labs, but the Support Center was a
rocking place to prepare myself for working in IT. They were also very happy to
let me learn.

Barring that, if you'd rather transition directly into another graduate program
(perhaps along with a part-time job at UITS, and some IU jobs have tuition
assistance), have you looked into the IU School Of Informatics? Informatics has
folks doing wicked-sick stuff with technology; these folks come from many many
different backgrounds (biology, music, mathematics, computer science, business,
visual arts, the movie industry, etc) and you may find a way to work your musical
interests and your technological interests into a single graduate program.


On Tue Mar 25 12:50 , Steven Black <> sent:

>The music / computer overlap is a lot more widespread than just
>Bloomington. I worked in the SF Bay area, and a lot of the brightest
>people I worked with were also musicians of one sort of another.
>Personally, I'm not a musician, but my father (who is also in the
>industry) is known to DJ.
>Here's some things that I, personally, think you should consider:
>* How much free time do you want to have? Having been a student for so
>long, this is likely to be something you could easily forget to think
>about. To have free time you can either be freelance, or you could have
>a lot of vacation time. It can be a lot easier to make the money go
>around if you simply have a lot of vacation time. (Outside of working at
>a university it is hard to get much vacation time.)
>* Know the perils of freelance work. Until someone gets comfortable with
>freelance work, many people find they spend almost all of their free
>time trying to find another freelance job. Then there's the issue of the
>lack of health care. This isn't much of an issue while you're young and
>healthy, but then you'd be surprised how many issues you can develop
>when nobody checks on your health. (My father's been a consultant off
>and on his entire career. I say this with enough second-hand experience
>to have always wanted to stay away from it.)
>* If you like the Bloomington area, consider taking a job at the
>University. They don't pay a lot, but they are regularly hiring, and
>they're always happy for you to learn more. You can spend another four
>to eight years trying to get your education just right to enter the
>field, or you could try getting your feet wet as soon as possible and
>go from there. They have part-time jobs that come up regularly. Even if
>you're totally unqualified for one of their full-time jobs right now,
>a lot of people in UITS started out part-time. Part-time positions can
>generally suck (anywhere you go), but full-time UITS positions at IU
>have some nice benefits.
>* Weigh the job opportunities by their networking possibilities as well
>as the monetary rewards. When you're entering the industry, you need
>to meet other people. You need to meet people who may be hiring in the
>future, and perhaps most importantly, you need to meet people who do
>interesting work where you have the opportunity to talk with them and
>think to yourself, "You know, I want to do what s/he does."
>* Look for jobs with growth opportunities. When you're starting out, you
>want to have the opportunities to grow your skills. This means a number
>of things:
> + getting a job where you know you'll need to learn some new things.
> You'll know you'll need to pick some things up fairly quickly, but
> what you need to know should be within reason.
> + getting a job where they encourage you to learn new things on your
> own. This could be as simple as a place letting you read books on
> your own during down-time.
> + avoiding jobs where they work you to the bone leaving no time to
> learn. This includes passing by short-term big money in favor of
> growing your skills.
> + looking for jobs where they will pay for your continued education.
> Do they pay for a college class? Will they send you to conferences?
>* Leverage your support network. You're looking to break in to a new
>field. You'll need to spend some time studying new material. If you
>think you might do some part-time work, then you will likely not be able
>to support yourself living on your own. As such, you should try to avoid
>* Take inventory of your current skills. A lot of music people don't
>really touch computers at all. However, there are others that manage to
>do quite a bit with them -- even though their primary focus was on the
>music at the time. Have you had any computer-related issues that you
>solved on your own? Have you installed your own hardware or software? Do
>you know any computer languages already? Which operating systems have
>you used, and of those, which are you comfortable with? Make sure you
>take note of your "soft" skills, too. (You may have exceptional people
>skills. You probably are comfortable in front of a group of people,
>* Keep an eye on the job postings. You should also know that even if you
>don't see yourself as a perfect fit for a job, you may be the best that
>they've seen. Look for jobs where you wouldn't mind learning what you
>don't already know. Also, if you see a lot of jobs looking for something
>in particular, you may want to buy a book on it and read up about it.
>* Are you willing to start off in a support position? Support jobs are
>something of a classic starting point for people trying to break in to
>the industry. They depend primarily on the ability to communicate well
>with people. They also have a high tendency to burn people out. This
>means two things:
> 1. They're almost always hiring. Local ISPs are the prime example
> of places which typically need this sort of position filled. While
> those have been disappearing, almost any tech-related business may
> have a need of phone support.
> 2. The position needs to be seen as a transitory one. Leverage the
> position for what you can learn, and stay with it until you've
> mastered it. Plan your exit strategy when you're hired. Read up on
> other computer-related material during your off time.
>* Attend computer-related conferences when you can. These not only give
>you a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet interesting people
>also interested in the field, they have been known to help people find
>great new jobs. (I met someone who got his job with Canonical as a
>direct result of talking to people at a conference. I met him at the
>conference prior to him getting the job, and when I ran in to him a
>couple months later at another conference he had a fantastic new job.)
>The closest, cheapest conference around this area is probably the Ohio
>LinuxFest>. I know a number of people from
>Bloomington attended last year.
>* Having a degree is more important than having a degree in your field.
>Don't think that your degree is worthless, just because you aren't going
>to be using it when you go in to computers. I've worked with a lot of
>people with degrees in unrelated fields. (Including PhDs in physics,
>and PhDs in medieval literature.) It matters more that you know what
>they want. You've already proven that you can learn what will be needed.
>(Last I heard, I think the numbers are that on average people change
>entire industries every seven years right now. There are a lot of people
>not using their degrees.)
>I think that's about it. Personally, I think my opinions are highly
>biased (though generally sensible), so your mileage may vary.
>Steven Black
>On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
>> Ben,
>> As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
>> college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter of
>> people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
>> should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
>> computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
>> being a programmer or an administrator.
>> The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
>> that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
>> electronic instruments.
>> There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
>> consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
>> Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need these
>> people for software that they write.
>> So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
>> already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I think the
>> computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10 years. For
>> the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to graphics,
>> but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
>> stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music and
>> cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your own
>> house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize that
>> there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
>> Including musicians.
>> I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will have
>> something to say too.
>> Mark
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker []
said the following:
>> > Hey all,
>> >
>> > I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list.
After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters
in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying
it anymore. I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try
electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University
of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again
searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful
employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university
level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.
turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for
what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every
year according to a proff at IU).
>> >
>> > Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in
the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking. I know
saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music; music is too
broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music. I
was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find
out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how
rewarding they are, etc. And also, what type of education is required to enter
this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type
degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other
>> >
>> > Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
>> >
>> > Ben Shewmaker
>BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers


The music / computer overlap is a lot more widespread than just
Bloomington. I worked in the SF Bay area, and a lot of the brightest
people I worked with were also musicians of one sort of another.
Personally, I'm not a musician, but my father (who is also in the
industry) is known to DJ.

Here's some things that I, personally, think you should consider:

* How much free time do you want to have? Having been a student for so
long, this is likely to be something you could easily forget to think
about. To have free time you can either be freelance, or you could have
a lot of vacation time. It can be a lot easier to make the money go
around if you simply have a lot of vacation time. (Outside of working at
a university it is hard to get much vacation time.)

* Know the perils of freelance work. Until someone gets comfortable with
freelance work, many people find they spend almost all of their free
time trying to find another freelance job. Then there's the issue of the
lack of health care. This isn't much of an issue while you're young and
healthy, but then you'd be surprised how many issues you can develop
when nobody checks on your health. (My father's been a consultant off
and on his entire career. I say this with enough second-hand experience
to have always wanted to stay away from it.)

* If you like the Bloomington area, consider taking a job at the
University. They don't pay a lot, but they are regularly hiring, and
they're always happy for you to learn more. You can spend another four
to eight years trying to get your education just right to enter the
field, or you could try getting your feet wet as soon as possible and
go from there. They have part-time jobs that come up regularly. Even if
you're totally unqualified for one of their full-time jobs right now,
a lot of people in UITS started out part-time. Part-time positions can
generally suck (anywhere you go), but full-time UITS positions at IU
have some nice benefits.

* Weigh the job opportunities by their networking possibilities as well
as the monetary rewards. When you're entering the industry, you need
to meet other people. You need to meet people who may be hiring in the
future, and perhaps most importantly, you need to meet people who do
interesting work where you have the opportunity to talk with them and
think to yourself, "You know, I want to do what s/he does."

* Look for jobs with growth opportunities. When you're starting out, you
want to have the opportunities to grow your skills. This means a number
of things:

+ getting a job where you know you'll need to learn some new things.
You'll know you'll need to pick some things up fairly quickly, but
what you need to know should be within reason.

+ getting a job where they encourage you to learn new things on your
own. This could be as simple as a place letting you read books on
your own during down-time.

+ avoiding jobs where they work you to the bone leaving no time to
learn. This includes passing by short-term big money in favor of
growing your skills.

+ looking for jobs where they will pay for your continued education.
Do they pay for a college class? Will they send you to conferences?

* Leverage your support network. You're looking to break in to a new
field. You'll need to spend some time studying new material. If you
think you might do some part-time work, then you will likely not be able
to support yourself living on your own. As such, you should try to avoid

* Take inventory of your current skills. A lot of music people don't
really touch computers at all. However, there are others that manage to
do quite a bit with them -- even though their primary focus was on the
music at the time. Have you had any computer-related issues that you
solved on your own? Have you installed your own hardware or software? Do
you know any computer languages already? Which operating systems have
you used, and of those, which are you comfortable with? Make sure you
take note of your "soft" skills, too. (You may have exceptional people
skills. You probably are comfortable in front of a group of people,

* Keep an eye on the job postings. You should also know that even if you
don't see yourself as a perfect fit for a job, you may be the best that
they've seen. Look for jobs where you wouldn't mind learning what you
don't already know. Also, if you see a lot of jobs looking for something
in particular, you may want to buy a book on it and read up about it.

* Are you willing to start off in a support position? Support jobs are
something of a classic starting point for people trying to break in to
the industry. They depend primarily on the ability to communicate well
with people. They also have a high tendency to burn people out. This
means two things:

1. They're almost always hiring. Local ISPs are the prime example
of places which typically need this sort of position filled. While
those have been disappearing, almost any tech-related business may
have a need of phone support.

2. The position needs to be seen as a transitory one. Leverage the
position for what you can learn, and stay with it until you've
mastered it. Plan your exit strategy when you're hired. Read up on
other computer-related material during your off time.

* Attend computer-related conferences when you can. These not only give
you a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet interesting people
also interested in the field, they have been known to help people find
great new jobs. (I met someone who got his job with Canonical as a
direct result of talking to people at a conference. I met him at the
conference prior to him getting the job, and when I ran in to him a
couple months later at another conference he had a fantastic new job.)
The closest, cheapest conference around this area is probably the Ohio
LinuxFest <>. I know a number of people from
Bloomington attended last year.

* Having a degree is more important than having a degree in your field.
Don't think that your degree is worthless, just because you aren't going
to be using it when you go in to computers. I've worked with a lot of
people with degrees in unrelated fields. (Including PhDs in physics,
and PhDs in medieval literature.) It matters more that you know what
they want. You've already proven that you can learn what will be needed.
(Last I heard, I think the numbers are that on average people change
entire industries every seven years right now. There are a lot of people
not using their degrees.)

I think that's about it. Personally, I think my opinions are highly
biased (though generally sensible), so your mileage may vary.

Steven Black

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 09:00:11PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
> Ben,
> As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
> college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter of
> people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
> should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
> computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
> being a programmer or an administrator.
> The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
> that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
> electronic instruments.
> There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
> consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
> Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need these
> people for software that they write.
> So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
> already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I think the
> computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10 years. For
> the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to graphics,
> but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
> stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music and
> cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your own
> house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize that
> there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
> Including musicians.
> I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will have
> something to say too.
> Mark
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [] said the following:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music. turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
> >
> > Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also, what type of education is required to enter this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other departments.
> >
> > Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
> >
> > Ben Shewmaker
BLUG mailing list

Monday, March 24, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Next Meeting

OK,  sorry for the untimely response on this.  The last couple of weeks have been busy ones.  :)

I really like Steven's suggestion here of having a formal presentation every couple of months, with more informal meetings in-between.

On that note, I'd like to propose a meeting for April 8th (the second Tuesday) at 7:00pm.  Let's make this one an informal one, just to chat and share ideas.  No presentation.  Anyone who would like to give a presentation in May is more than welcome to come and let us know.

Provided a few folks are able to come, we'll decide then when/what/where the next meeting will be.

Where should we have it?  Ideally, it will be somewhere our under-21 friends will be able to join us, yet those of us who are more ancient will be able to consume adult beverages if we please.

Isn't Yogi's like that, out on the "patio" (the front room)?  Irish Lion is too, as long as we sit upstairs (I hate to sit upstairs).

What do you folks think?  We've got plenty of time to decide.  After a few folks have chimed in and we've made a decision, I'll post a more formal announcement to the list.

Dave Cooley

Steven Black wrote:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 07:26:30AM -0400, Dave Cooley wrote:   
I think I can (at least partially) take on that responsibility.  Mark, is SUSO still available for the meetings?  I think folks liked meeting there better than at the Library.  I'm also into the more informal, social meetings, rather than spending the whole time on a presentation, unless there's something "big" to be presented.  What do you folks think?     
 Personally, I like both the informal meetings as well as the presentations.  If we did presentations every other month, and informal meetings between, it may both provide a balance between the two as well as provide the people doing the presentations time to work on them between their day jobs.  The presentations have the ability to demonstrate exciting new apps, however in the past, they've also been a reason that meetings have been canceled. Some piece of equipment required for the meeting was unavailable, and it just couldn't go on. (This was a major reason I presented my presentation "old-school" -- without any technology-based assistance.)  I think the presentations have the capability of providing an excuse for people to explore topics they're interested in, but have not gotten around to investigating. However, I don't think they should be considered disposable. If research has gone in to them, then the research should be preserved and made available to the Linux community at large. By this, I mean we should at least post the complete presentation on the website, and at best the research should be compiled in to a paper and posted to a community site.  I also think we should consider team-based presentations. While something may be overwhelming for a single person to investigate and report on in 30-60 days, it may be much easier with a partner. Something like Google Docs may facilitate this sort of thing.  Cheers, Steven Black  _______________________________________________ BLUG mailing list   

Sunday, March 23, 2008

[BLUG] [OT]Facebook app

Hi All,

I just wrote a facebook application for playing

Those interested..

For non-facebook users:



BLUG mailing list

Friday, March 21, 2008

[BLUG] Chance to win a commercial Linux game

Hello, all,

Some of you may have, at one point or another, bemoaned the unfair
state of commercial games for those of us who prefer not to us
proprietary operating system. Some of you may even have that dirty
little secret Hasefroch partition you dust off every once in a while
in order to play those commercial games that don't work acceptably
under wine (and yes, I speak from experience).

I've heard personally, a few times, the inability to play top-tier
games on Linux cited as the main reason someone wouldn't switch.

A buddy of mine, Matthew, is determined to change this woeful lack of
Linux support by the gaming industry. He runs
<>, which is a project/site dedicated
to drumming up interest in commercial games for Linux, both from Linux
users who are traditionally averse to paying for software, and from
game companies who traditionally ignore Linux as a market for their
products. You may have heard him getting interviewed recently on The
Linux Link Tech Show and The Linux Action Show.

Apart from the advocacy work they do, they have a pretty complete
catalog of the titles that ARE available to those of the penguin
persuasion on their site.

Anyhow, he asked me to put the word out here that they've teamed up
with My Game Company (it's not mine, that's just their name) to give
away some Linux game goodness by lottery to anyone who's interested
enough to sign up on the site and who leave a
comment on the following post:

The game they're giving away is pretty neat game, "Dirk Dashing:
Secret Agent", a family-friendly kids-oriented game (but then, that
doesn't mean it's not fun for kids-at-heart) that I heard reviewed on
Linux and Games Entertainment Weekly (yes, LaGER) and downloaded the
demo version myself. It's a pretty fun side-scroller reminiscent in
style to the old Ninja Gaiden series (except with all non-lethal
weapons ;-) ).

So if you're interested, go for it.

The games question is one of the most controversial in the FLOSS
world, because it's the main area that those of us with a deep
aversion to proprietary software will sometimes break down and
compromise our ideals for the quality games that the open source model
has yet to deliver.

I'm not talking about software quality here, an area open source
naturally excels at, I'm talking about content: story, graphics,
music, general coherence, the whole package. In order to deliver the
seamless excellence of a top-tier game, you need writers, graphic
artists, musicians, actors, etc. and you need them to work in a
sustained and coordinated manner which means paying them. So far a
workable business model to support this hasn't materialized, though we
can hope that someday it will.

In the meantime, the only way we'll get "top-tier" games on Linux is
to convince the industry that we're worth considering as a worthwhile
market while they're deciding what platforms to support with their
next game. That's only going to happen if the companies currently
marketing games to Linux make enough of a profit to keep doing so.

I hope this finds you all having a great evening!


BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers


As someone who was a music ed major as well for my first two years of
college, I can say that you're in good company. Probably a quarter of
people involved in the computer industry are musicians. I think you
should think about leveraging your music degrees to get into the
computer industry instead of how to just approach a computer job like
being a programmer or an administrator.

The first thing that comes to mind is games. There are many games
that have a large budget for custom music, often recorded using
electronic instruments.

There are also probably people who act as technology testers or
consultants for music software creators like Reason, Garage Band,
Cubase, etc. Even electronic music equipment manufacturers need these
people for software that they write.

So how do you get these jobs? Perhaps just meet some people who are
already in them at conferences, through forums or whatever. I think the
computer music/audio industry has grown a lot in the past 10 years. For
the first few decades of computing, audio took a back seat to graphics,
but now its finally caught up and there are careers in that kind of
stuff. There is also the whole emerging industry of streaming music and
cataloging it. These are just a few ideas, just look around your own
house and think of how all the electronics are created and realize that
there are many people behind the creation of each one of those items.
Including musicians.

I think Joe Auty and some of the other musicians on the list will have
something to say too.


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 08:03:15PM GMT, Ben Shewmaker [] said the following:
> Hey all,
> I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music. turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
> Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also, what type of education is required to enter this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees. I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other departments.
> Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
> Ben Shewmaker
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Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] considering a job in computers

Hey Ben,

As you may recall from our past conversations, I was also a music
track student that switched midstream... I was a jazz major, and got
pretty far along playing in the top jazz band at IU, but decided that
I would ultimately be happier when I could approach music in my own
terms, making it a pleasure rather than a source of anxiety and
financial dependency.

There are actually a *lot* of music students that have done this as
well, so you aren't alone. There are several musicians here at UITS,
and I know of several musicians outside of IU working in IT.

Some specialization is useful, as well as some serious thought into a
business model, if you choose to work freelance. Otherwise, if you
want to work a day job in some enterprise computing environment, you
will need to work your skills up to the point where you can compete
for jobs in this space. Since, like me, you probably are all too
familiar with making life as a freelance musician work, freelance
computing or starting your own business might be a good fit for you.

There are many different angles you could explore: web development,
graphic design, and traditional programming are often jobs that work
this way. System administration I'm guess is more of a full-time sort
of job. There is also retail, of course.

If you are semi-interested in any of these areas, it is never too late
to get your chops together. There is a lot of demand for talent, and
the talent doesn't always lie with people with the most book smarts or
experience or certifications, but with people with serious critical
thinking abilities that can figure things out quickly. Your musical
skills should give you a leg up in your problem solving ability, many
successful musicians are quite bright.

What sorts of things interest you, and are you interested in freelance
computer work, or something more career-like/full-time? If the latter,
working at IU can be a good step into the scene, as there is always a
need for talent at IU, and often a shortage of qualified applicants.

On Mar 21, 2008, at 4:03 PM, Ben Shewmaker wrote:
> Hey all,
> I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this
> mailing list. After getting an undergraduate degree in music
> education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I
> quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore. I was
> looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic
> music and so started a masters in electronic music from the
> University of Miami. But, after a semester there, I find myself
> back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and
> also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a
> position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is
> what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.
> turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few
> positions for what I was training myself for. maybe 5 to 10
> positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU).
> Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least
> glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in
> computers or networking. I know saying I want a job here is like
> saying I want a job doing music; music is too broad a
> categorization as there are many specific areas of study within
> music. I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the
> right direction to find out what types of positions are out there,
> how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc. And also,
> what type of education is required to enter this field and are there
> any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees. I
> know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their
> other departments.
> Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!
> Ben Shewmaker
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> Try it now._______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] considering a job in computers

Hey all,

I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list.  After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore.  I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University of Miami.  But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.  turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for what I was training myself for.  maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU). 

Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking.  I know saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music;  music is too broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music.  I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc.  And also, what type of education is required to enter this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees.  I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other departments.

Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!

Ben Shewmaker

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Program/Suite for passing jobs between machines?

Mark Krenz wrote:
> Ok, thanks. The problem I have with that though is that there are
> also lots of people here in Bloomington that do these kinds of things
> too. After all, Mcfeely was made here in Bloomington. Of course, all
> the people that worked on it have moved away except for me and Adrian.
> But my goal with the post was to get people here involved in this kind
> of stuff. I know there are plenty of sysadmins on the list from viewing
> the subscription list. Maybe they aren't reading the list anymore. Who
> knows. If I don't get much interest here, I may seek a wider audience.

I am interested in helping whatever way I can, as the idea of building a
SysAdmin Swiss Army Knife has always been a "if i won the lottery and
didn't have to work..." type idea. Most of what I have written before
has been just small scripts that have been executed on the remote
machine via ssh.

Thank you,
Scott Blaydes

BLUG mailing list

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Program/Suite for passing jobs between machines?

I checked out the description of mcfeely.

Both cfengine and Puppet are not designed with that orientation in mind.
My understanding of them is that they're organized more in a manner
which presents definitions of how things should be set up, and has the
system update whatever is needed to make it so.

My script only does part of the process. It doesn't keep track of what ran
where, and doesn't retry anything. It is a fire-and-forget approach. (Well,
with logging.) I could see my script being adapted to such an end, though.

Steven Black

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 02:48:52PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
> That's a good example of what you start out with. But eventually what
> happens is that other people need to help create/maintain users (freeing
> up the sysadmin a bit). If you want to write something like a web
> control panel, how do you handle passing requests safely between hosts
> and having dependencies, handling failure properly and so on?
> At Suso, I'm doing a lot of custom things beyond what something like
> useradd can do and we'll be doing a lot more that prevents us from using
> things like Cpanel, Plesk, etc. So I have to write my own. But what
> nobody seems to tackle is the task of safely passing jobs and
> information between servers, without just writing a hack. This is what
> Mcfeely was aiming at ( I would
> think that systems like this would be as prevent as window managers on
> Freshmeat, but there appear to be none.
> Mark
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 01:42:08PM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:
> > We use a tiny BASH script to create Samba users on our domain
> > controller, which all workstations authenticate off of, and then fire
> > off an ssh "useradd -m $username" to the mail server if it's a new
> > staff person.
> >
> > It's about the simplest, puniest example of what you're talking about,
> > but since more than 99% of people here only log in to workstations,
> > and the rest of us are sysadmins, it works.
> >
> > Simón
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Mark Krenz <> wrote:
> > > Anyone have any input?
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Mark Krenz
> > > Bloomington Linux Users Group
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > BLUG mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > BLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Program/Suite for passing jobs between machines?

You know, when I heard about what you want, my first thought was
something like cfengine or puppet.

At this point, when I want to run something across my cluster, to
install users or do something else, I use a pyexpect script I wrote.

It creates a deliverable (typically either archives a directory,
or a single script) SSH's to the machine (possibly SSH'ing through
intermediaries first), then SCP's back to the starting machine to get
the deliverable. It then extractes the package (if it was packaged)
and runs the script, compiling the stdout to a report on the starting

It is based on principles I used back in my youth running tests across
the machines in a Quality Assurance lab.

This sort of approach is great for running one-off scripts everywhere.
(This made it easy to check how my machines would handle the DST
changes. It also make it easy for me to find which other machines
had Maxtor drives, when I had two of them fail in relatively quick
succession recently.)

My script to create accounts simply checks the hostname and does
different things based upon where it is run.

If you decide on something like Puppet or cfengine, both have a lot of
activity around them. Puppet is based on Ruby, which can be a plus or
minus depending on your feelings for the language. However, it leverages
more standard components than cfengine.

If my script or something derived from my script sounds more
appealing to you, let me know and we can talk offline about it. I've
implimented solutions like this in both (TCL-based) Expect, as well as
(Python-based) Pexpect.

I must note, though, that I personally plan to migrate to something
like cfengine or Puppet in the future. (Currently, I'm leaning toward
cfengine due to a philosophical disagreement with some of the Ruby

Steven Black

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:49:33PM +0000, Mark Krenz wrote:
> I'm curious if anyone out there has something special that they use
> for passing jobs between machines. Say if you want to run a program on
> machine A to create a user and then it submits jobs on machine B, C and
> D to create the user's mailbox, website, etc., which may be on different
> machines.
> Does anyone here do anything like that? I'd be very interested to
> know so that I don't re-invent the wheel.
> When I worked at Kiva, we had a great system written by Matt Liggett
> called Mcfeely that was a job queuing system for passing jobs over ssh
> tunnels. Then we had a set of perl modules called Kiva::User written by
> Adrian Hosey and Chris Dent that allowed us to do sophisticated creation
> and transform operations on users. It was really quite remarkable, but
> now its a bit antiquated and unmaintained. When it was written (~1999)
> we couldn't find anything that did the same and I've still never seen
> anything like it. I've been needing to do this stuff on Suso for the
> past few years, but Mcfeely no longer compiles under new gcc/glibc
> versions. However, I'm not sure that Mcfeely is really needed. Jobs
> could be passed directly over an ssh session or through a queuing
> system, but its more up to the implementer. Kinda like whether you want
> to run postfix or just SSMTP. They both still implement SMTP, but they
> have different goals.
> So I'm thinking of writing my own job submission/communication suite
> that is not so much a set of programs as it would be a set of standards
> for using an XML DTD to submit jobs information and guidelines for
> security such as authenticating the sender, signing requests and
> responses. After a trial phase I'm willing to release this stuff as
> open source. I was thinking of calling it Newman (Mcfeely was named
> after the famous mailman on Three's Company).
> Anyone have any input?
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list
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