Sunday, September 16, 2007

[BLUG] Kino uses vi movement keys

One thing I forgot about and forgot to mention during my presentation
is that Kino actually uses vi movement keys and commands for editing.
So h and l take you back and forth frame by frame and stuff like Ctrl+j
will split a scene at the current frame and Shift Ctrl j joins then back
together. So this is another reason why Kino was related to vi and also
a good reason to learn the vi keys.

So if you wanted to, you could do almost all of your video editing
with just your keyboard.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Are source based distributions better for servers?

On Sunday 16 September 2007 11:09:03 am Shing-Shong Shei wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> > - DB server: Gentoo (think optimized, stripped down install -- I want as
> > much performance as possible outta that box)
> Just wonder if you have done any benchmarks to support this claim.
> Even if you compile everything from sources with higher optimization
> flags does not guarantee that the generated codes will run faster --
> there are just too many factors that can affect the runtime efficiency.
> Also I think DB server tends to be I/O bound and you will have better
> luck tuning the I/O subsystem than, say, compiling the whole system.
> Shing-Shong
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

something else if you don't mind going the bsd path might be openbsd path
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Are source based distributions better for servers?

Hi Jeremy,

> - DB server: Gentoo (think optimized, stripped down install -- I want as
> much performance as possible outta that box)

Just wonder if you have done any benchmarks to support this claim.
Even if you compile everything from sources with higher optimization
flags does not guarantee that the generated codes will run faster --
there are just too many factors that can affect the runtime efficiency.
Also I think DB server tends to be I/O bound and you will have better
luck tuning the I/O subsystem than, say, compiling the whole system.


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