Thursday, August 7, 2008

RE: [BLUG] Open wireless connections

Opening your wireless is indeed a risk, but there are some strange benefits
of doing this besides the grass-roots ideology of free and open network
access. It appears that it can actually be used to provide a plausible
deniability defense when the RIAA comes knocking on your door for copyright

Overall, open your network at your own risk. You might be inviting the RIAA
in your front door and have to use this defense tactic as a last resort. I
don't think I'll take the chance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Purdom []
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 12:45 PM
To: Bloomington LINUX Users Group
Subject: Re: [BLUG] Open wireless connections

Steven Black wrote
> If you ever plan to actually *need* bandwidth to do work, then you need
> to be aware that when you need the bandwidth may conflict with when your
> neighbor needs to watch that movie from Netflix. There's nothing like
> other people streaming media to soak up your bandwidth.
I guess I need bandwidth occasionally, but not most of the time. I am
guessing that there must be a software solution to control who gets how
much bandwidth when I need control. (Perhaps, there is already an answer
to that question. On the road, I have not yet had time to read the more
detailed replies with full understanding.)

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Extra Drum Corps Championships ticket

I know, this is off topic, but you are people who I know:

I have an extra ticket for the Drum Corps World Championships happening
here in Bloomington this Saturday. The seat location is pretty good,
about half way up on the right side, but close to the center. The
exactly location is 8R Row 47 seat 107. The ticket is $75, but I'm
selling it for $50 to help get it sold. I have an extra ticket because
one of the people in my party can't make it. Please let me know by
tomorrow if you are interested. Or if you know someone who would want
it, let them know and get them in touch with me.


Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list