Friday, June 18, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Of course my meaning was that the problem of heat is *dramatically* reduced.

I'm not talking about sealing it in an insulated plastic bag but, barring that, I don't worry about it.

With my previous laptops, I had to.

On Jun 18, 2010 4:43 PM, "Mark Krenz" <> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 07:43:18PM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:

> FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
> throw it around with impuni...

 Um, yeah ya do. Its true that hard drives are usually the first thing
to fail under thermal load, CPUs are probably the second.

 Electronics (all electronics) create heat as part of their operation
and often need to have some ventilation or cooling in order to operate

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 07:43:18PM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:
> FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
> throw it around with impunity, and not have to worry about it
> overheating if I place it in a non-ventilated area.

Um, yeah ya do. Its true that hard drives are usually the first thing
to fail under thermal load, CPUs are probably the second.

Electronics (all electronics) create heat as part of their operation
and often need to have some ventilation or cooling in order to operate

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:13 PM, David Ernst <> wrote:
> ok, I left mine going on battery all monrning to see how it did.
> Kudos to gnome (or just the state of the art) it went just about 4.5
> hours.  Actually, I didn't let it go dead, but gnome was down to
> predicting only 10 minutes or so left, so I decided enough was
> enough.  I mean, I didn't want to have to REBOOT the thing!  :)
> the SDD versions of these things seem to be going out of favor with
> manufacturers.  Maybe the power efficiency gain isn't as much as I
> would think?  I don't know.  But I do know that when the battery icon
> turned red, the netbook had more time left to go than my ThinkPad does
> on a full charge.
> David

FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
throw it around with impunity, and not have to worry about it
overheating if I place it in a non-ventilated area.

A 9 inch "netbook" with a spinning hard drive is nothing but a tiny
laptop to me. Conversely, a 12 inch "laptop" with an SSD is just a big

Maybe I'm just quirky, but I've noticed that's how I think about it. Weird, huh?


BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

ok, I left mine going on battery all monrning to see how it did.
Kudos to gnome (or just the state of the art) it went just about 4.5
hours. Actually, I didn't let it go dead, but gnome was down to
predicting only 10 minutes or so left, so I decided enough was
enough. I mean, I didn't want to have to REBOOT the thing! :)

the SDD versions of these things seem to be going out of favor with
manufacturers. Maybe the power efficiency gain isn't as much as I
would think? I don't know. But I do know that when the battery icon
turned red, the netbook had more time left to go than my ThinkPad does
on a full charge.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:08:38AM -0400, Kelly McEvilly wrote:
>there is a decent looking one on Bloomington CraigsList, an acer aspire zg5. it doesn't have a solid state drive though.
>at $175 though...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Lord Drachenblut" <>
>To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
>Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:56:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
>Subject: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook
>Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and purchase one new
>BLUG mailing list
>BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

there is a decent looking one on Bloomington CraigsList, an acer aspire zg5. it doesn't have a solid state drive though.

at $175 though...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lord Drachenblut" <>
To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:56:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and purchase one new
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