Monday, July 26, 2010

Re: [BLUG] OT -- need AGP video card

I am amassing a pile of stuff to dispose of at work. I'll check and
see if there are any AGP cards in the pile. If so, you're more than
welcome to take any of them ...

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Mark Warner <> wrote:
> I've been working on a charity
> take-two-junkers-and-make-one-workable-box project on and off for a few
> days, and could really use a more recent video card than what I've got
> available.
> The problem I'm running into is that the owner has a 19" widescreen LCD,
> and the antique ATI Rage card that I've got doesn't support any
> widescreen resolutions under Windows. The latest driver is dated 2001.
> (This is set up as a Win/Lin dual boot, and of course I have no problem
> at all on the Linux side -- the vesa driver gives me 1280x800 OOTB.)
> If anybody has a more recent AGP card laying around that they could
> spare (preferably nVidia), I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to
> put it to good use. As I said, this is a charity project -- the owner
> has a collection of donated components that I'm this -->|==|<-- far away
> from making into a usable system.
> mhwarner at gmail...
> --
> Mark Warner
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

Kirk Gleason
BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] OT -- need AGP video card

I've been working on a charity
take-two-junkers-and-make-one-workable-box project on and off for a few
days, and could really use a more recent video card than what I've got

The problem I'm running into is that the owner has a 19" widescreen LCD,
and the antique ATI Rage card that I've got doesn't support any
widescreen resolutions under Windows. The latest driver is dated 2001.
(This is set up as a Win/Lin dual boot, and of course I have no problem
at all on the Linux side -- the vesa driver gives me 1280x800 OOTB.)

If anybody has a more recent AGP card laying around that they could
spare (preferably nVidia), I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to
put it to good use. As I said, this is a charity project -- the owner
has a collection of donated components that I'm this -->|==|<-- far away
from making into a usable system.

mhwarner at gmail...

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list