Friday, October 31, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Virtual Box OSE?

Matt Zink wrote:
> Hello All:
> Apologies in advance if this is an abuse of this list - just let me
> know if it is and I'll never do it again. Would anyone be interested
> in helping me figure out Virtual Box OSE for Ubuntu Hardy Heron? You
> can respond to me off list if you're interested. I'm sure it's pretty
> simple, but I'm having difficulty. (Not hard to stump me,
> unfortunately!)

I just gave a presentation on VirtualBox at work and am giving a
presentation on it at CINLUG next week. I'd be happy to help out and I
think it'd be better to ask your questions on list so more people can
BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Virtual Box OSE?

Hello All:
Apologies in advance if this is an abuse of this list - just let me know if it is and I'll never do it again.  Would anyone be interested in helping me figure out Virtual Box OSE for Ubuntu Hardy Heron?  You can respond to me off list if you're interested.  I'm sure it's pretty simple, but I'm having difficulty.  (Not hard to stump me, unfortunately!)
Thanks all!