Friday, June 18, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Of course my meaning was that the problem of heat is *dramatically* reduced.

I'm not talking about sealing it in an insulated plastic bag but, barring that, I don't worry about it.

With my previous laptops, I had to.

On Jun 18, 2010 4:43 PM, "Mark Krenz" <> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 07:43:18PM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:

> FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
> throw it around with impuni...

 Um, yeah ya do. Its true that hard drives are usually the first thing
to fail under thermal load, CPUs are probably the second.

 Electronics (all electronics) create heat as part of their operation
and often need to have some ventilation or cooling in order to operate

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 07:43:18PM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:
> FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
> throw it around with impunity, and not have to worry about it
> overheating if I place it in a non-ventilated area.

Um, yeah ya do. Its true that hard drives are usually the first thing
to fail under thermal load, CPUs are probably the second.

Electronics (all electronics) create heat as part of their operation
and often need to have some ventilation or cooling in order to operate

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:13 PM, David Ernst <> wrote:
> ok, I left mine going on battery all monrning to see how it did.
> Kudos to gnome (or just the state of the art) it went just about 4.5
> hours.  Actually, I didn't let it go dead, but gnome was down to
> predicting only 10 minutes or so left, so I decided enough was
> enough.  I mean, I didn't want to have to REBOOT the thing!  :)
> the SDD versions of these things seem to be going out of favor with
> manufacturers.  Maybe the power efficiency gain isn't as much as I
> would think?  I don't know.  But I do know that when the battery icon
> turned red, the netbook had more time left to go than my ThinkPad does
> on a full charge.
> David

FWIW, the SSD is what *makes* it a netbook for me; the fact I can
throw it around with impunity, and not have to worry about it
overheating if I place it in a non-ventilated area.

A 9 inch "netbook" with a spinning hard drive is nothing but a tiny
laptop to me. Conversely, a 12 inch "laptop" with an SSD is just a big

Maybe I'm just quirky, but I've noticed that's how I think about it. Weird, huh?


BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

ok, I left mine going on battery all monrning to see how it did.
Kudos to gnome (or just the state of the art) it went just about 4.5
hours. Actually, I didn't let it go dead, but gnome was down to
predicting only 10 minutes or so left, so I decided enough was
enough. I mean, I didn't want to have to REBOOT the thing! :)

the SDD versions of these things seem to be going out of favor with
manufacturers. Maybe the power efficiency gain isn't as much as I
would think? I don't know. But I do know that when the battery icon
turned red, the netbook had more time left to go than my ThinkPad does
on a full charge.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:08:38AM -0400, Kelly McEvilly wrote:
>there is a decent looking one on Bloomington CraigsList, an acer aspire zg5. it doesn't have a solid state drive though.
>at $175 though...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Lord Drachenblut" <>
>To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
>Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:56:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
>Subject: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook
>Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and purchase one new
>BLUG mailing list
>BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

there is a decent looking one on Bloomington CraigsList, an acer aspire zg5. it doesn't have a solid state drive though.

at $175 though...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lord Drachenblut" <>
To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:56:15 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and purchase one new
BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Gnome estimates 4.5 hours. That's in the same ballpark as I was
guessing, but I still don't know how trustworthy it is.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 05:30:13PM -0400, Jonathan North Washington wrote:
>My Aspire One netbook (which I bought with 1G memory and a 160GB hd,
>but shortly thereafter had 2G and a 320GB hd) gets 4+ hours on its
>battery (with a fully dimmed screen and a light work load). I'd
>imagine using an SSD instead would bring that up to at least 5 hours.
>If you're running gnome, you can unplug the computer and give it a few
>minutes to estimate remaining time. I think gnome power manager
>aggregates power consumption data and tweaks its estimates, but I
>could be wrong. Intel(?)'s powertop should also give you an estimate
>when you're on battery power.
>On 17 June 2010 17:10, David Ernst <> wrote:
>> Honestly, I'm not sure.  Usually I keep it plugged in, but whenever I
>> want to walk around the house, i just unplug it.  It's never run out.
>> When I bring it to meetings, I typically don't even bring the
>> charger.  I would guess that it'd go 3-4 hours, but I've never tested
>> it.  someday I'll take it on an airplane and find out.
>> Note that this is one of the models without a HD.  So, it's only 16G
>> SDD storage built in, although there's an external SDD slot too where
>> I have another 16G card.  Anyway, I believe the only moving part is
>> the fan, so I think that helps w/ battery life.
>> David
>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 04:35:17PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>>>What kind of battery life are you getting out of it?
>>>On Jun 17, 2010 3:25 PM, "David Ernst" <> wrote:
>>>You can't have mine!  I love it!!  But, you might want to get one just
>>>like it:
>>>I purchased that model (also refurb'd) at that price from that seller,
>>>I've got Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix running on it, and I'm just about
>>>as pleased as I can be.
>>>On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 02:56:15PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>>>>Waanted to see if anyone had a ...
>>>>BLUG mailing list
>>>BLUG mailing list
>>>BLUG mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> BLUG mailing list
>BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Is anyone running kde netbook remix?

On Jun 17, 2010 8:26 PM, "Matthew Patenaude" <> wrote:

I have an Asus Eeepc 1000HE, 160g hard disk and 1g RAM, running Lucid UNE. Absolutely love it! Runs almost 7 hours for me, on average. I rarely run it plugged in.


BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

I have an Asus Eeepc 1000HE, 160g hard disk and 1g RAM, running Lucid UNE. Absolutely love it! Runs almost 7 hours for me, on average. I rarely run it plugged in.


Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

My Aspire One netbook (which I bought with 1G memory and a 160GB hd,
but shortly thereafter had 2G and a 320GB hd) gets 4+ hours on its
battery (with a fully dimmed screen and a light work load). I'd
imagine using an SSD instead would bring that up to at least 5 hours.

If you're running gnome, you can unplug the computer and give it a few
minutes to estimate remaining time. I think gnome power manager
aggregates power consumption data and tweaks its estimates, but I
could be wrong. Intel(?)'s powertop should also give you an estimate
when you're on battery power.


On 17 June 2010 17:10, David Ernst <> wrote:
> Honestly, I'm not sure.  Usually I keep it plugged in, but whenever I
> want to walk around the house, i just unplug it.  It's never run out.
> When I bring it to meetings, I typically don't even bring the
> charger.  I would guess that it'd go 3-4 hours, but I've never tested
> it.  someday I'll take it on an airplane and find out.
> Note that this is one of the models without a HD.  So, it's only 16G
> SDD storage built in, although there's an external SDD slot too where
> I have another 16G card.  Anyway, I believe the only moving part is
> the fan, so I think that helps w/ battery life.
> David
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 04:35:17PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>>What kind of battery life are you getting out of it?
>>On Jun 17, 2010 3:25 PM, "David Ernst" <> wrote:
>>You can't have mine!  I love it!!  But, you might want to get one just
>>like it:
>>I purchased that model (also refurb'd) at that price from that seller,
>>I've got Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix running on it, and I'm just about
>>as pleased as I can be.
>>On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 02:56:15PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>>>Waanted to see if anyone had a ...
>>>BLUG mailing list
>>BLUG mailing list
>>BLUG mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Honestly, I'm not sure. Usually I keep it plugged in, but whenever I
want to walk around the house, i just unplug it. It's never run out.
When I bring it to meetings, I typically don't even bring the
charger. I would guess that it'd go 3-4 hours, but I've never tested
it. someday I'll take it on an airplane and find out.

Note that this is one of the models without a HD. So, it's only 16G
SDD storage built in, although there's an external SDD slot too where
I have another 16G card. Anyway, I believe the only moving part is
the fan, so I think that helps w/ battery life.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 04:35:17PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>What kind of battery life are you getting out of it?
>On Jun 17, 2010 3:25 PM, "David Ernst" <> wrote:
>You can't have mine! I love it!! But, you might want to get one just
>like it:
>I purchased that model (also refurb'd) at that price from that seller,
>I've got Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix running on it, and I'm just about
>as pleased as I can be.
>On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 02:56:15PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>>Waanted to see if anyone had a ...
>>BLUG mailing list
>BLUG mailing list

>BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

What kind of battery life are you getting out of it?

On Jun 17, 2010 3:25 PM, "David Ernst" <> wrote:

You can't have mine!  I love it!!  But, you might want to get one just
like it:

I purchased that model (also refurb'd) at that price from that seller,
I've got Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix running on it, and I'm just about
as pleased as I can be.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 02:56:15PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>Waanted to see if anyone had a ...

>BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Looking for a netbook

You can't have mine! I love it!! But, you might want to get one just
like it:

I purchased that model (also refurb'd) at that price from that seller,
I've got Ubuntu 10.4 Netbook Remix running on it, and I'm just about
as pleased as I can be.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 02:56:15PM -0400, Lord Drachenblut wrote:
>Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and
>purchase one new

>BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Red Hat Summit

Anyone going to Red Hat Summit next week?

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Looking for a netbook

Waanted to see if anyone had a netbook for sale before I went out and purchase one new

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

[BLUG] Meeting dates of Geek Diner, etc.


First, I am not sure whether I sent this message to the right place. If I did not, let me
apologize in advance.
Second, i'm interested in finding out about the where and when linux group will get together
each month, and where the Geek's diner is held.

Thank you,
Alan Polis
3518 E. Covenanter Drive
Bloomington, IN 47401
BLUG mailing list

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[BLUG] Geek dinner tonight

I mentioned during our hangout at Max's that there is another group
called Geek Dinner that meets every month or so. Its actually meeting
tonight at 6pm at Max's Place. I plan on going. Hope to see you
there too.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Group hangout thursday night

On Tuesday 15 June 2010 10:35:39 Kelly McEvilly wrote:
> My theory was that halos would've identified us all.
> I didn't make it last time. Did my theory not pan out?
> Just wanna know if I need to spring for a Linux tshirt as a fall back for
> the next meeting.
> Which is coming up???

It wasn't too hard for me to find them, though the claim to have a giant
stuffed Linux penguin out there on the table was a little exaggerated, as all
we got was this tiny, non-emperor penguin, who, though stuffed, wouldn't be
winning any of the penguin heavyweight challenges any time soon. :-)

Aaron W. Hsu

Re: [BLUG] Group hangout thursday night

My theory was that halos would've identified us all.

I didn't make it last time. Did my theory not pan out?

Just wanna know if I need to spring for a Linux tshirt as a fall back for the next meeting.

Which is coming up???

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron W. Hsu" <>
To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 3:19:38 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [BLUG] Group hangout thursday night

On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 14:33 -0400, Kevin Ratcliff wrote:
> I've only been to one BLUG meeting before, so I haven't had a chance
> to meet many of you yet.

The only question I have is, how will I know the rest of you? We'll all
be wearing Linux shirts? :-)

Aaron W. Hsu

BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Sunday, June 13, 2010

[BLUG] 4 million % of the CPU?!?

# ps auxw | sed -n '1p;/^syslog/p' | column -t

syslog 1910 4031380 0.2 185272 852 ? Sl Jun08 20286228:34 rsyslogd -c4

What the hell? This host has only been up for 5 days, but it claims to
have used 845,257 days of CPU time. Anyways, I don't recall seeing this
kind of error in the process table before so I thought I'd share.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

I say they buy a round for everyone at Max's next time!

I gotta make it this time around...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Auty" <>
To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 3:11:08 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

Joe Auty wrote:

Jared Schlemmer wrote:

I have a Linksys WRT54G I just replaced but still have. It's about 6 years old and I question it's reliability somewhat... but, I'd be more than happy to loan it out for a month. I work downtown and I can bring it to work with me during the day.

That would be awesome Jared!

What can we do to repay you for your kindness?

Sorry BLUG guys, I meant to send this privately!


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Auty < > wrote:

We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Jared Schlemmer
Assistant Deputy Mayor
Bloomington, Indiana

BLUG mailing list

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

Joe Auty wrote:
Jared Schlemmer wrote:
I have a Linksys WRT54G I just replaced but still have. It's about 6 years old and I question it's reliability somewhat... but, I'd be more than happy to loan it out for a month. I work downtown and I can bring it to work with me during the day.

That would be awesome Jared!

What can we do to repay you for your kindness?

Sorry BLUG guys, I meant to send this privately!


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Auty <> wrote:
We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Jared Schlemmer
Assistant Deputy Mayor
Bloomington, Indiana

_______________________________________________ BLUG mailing list

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

_______________________________________________ BLUG mailing list

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

Jared Schlemmer wrote:
I have a Linksys WRT54G I just replaced but still have. It's about 6 years old and I question it's reliability somewhat... but, I'd be more than happy to loan it out for a month. I work downtown and I can bring it to work with me during the day.

That would be awesome Jared!

What can we do to repay you for your kindness?


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Auty <> wrote:
We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Jared Schlemmer
Assistant Deputy Mayor
Bloomington, Indiana
_______________________________________________ BLUG mailing list

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Kelly McEvilly <> wrote:
> I've got a WRT54G that I've been running for about 5 years and it is rock solid.
> If you really wanna turn that thing into a beast though go to:
> and find a firmware release that will run on your version of that router.  It's amazing all the features you have access to running this software on a WRT54G.  Cisco would charge you $600 for the same feature set!

Second that.

DD-WRT on WRT54GLs is how we spread wifi signal throughout our
campuses. We've only needed to replace them within the past couple of
years and only in the more high traffic areas of the schools
(libraries, etc.) where we're likely to get maybe 30 different wifi
clients at a time (student/faculty laptops, netbooks, iPhones, iPod
touches, etc. *on top* of our own laptops which do
*everything*—autentication, the user's filespace, etc.—over the

The WRT54GL does not handle *that* many clients wonderfully, so we had
to move up to some radios up near the $400-$500 range to handle that
load, but then again when are you going to have 30 intense wifi
connections on in your home?

DD-WRT rules. (Which is not to disrespect Open-WRT, Tomato, etc. )


P.S. The biggest problem besides not handling massive loads we've had
is, in the event of power surges/failures, they sometimes need to be
manually power cycled before they begin behaving okay again. Worst
year, I think, I've had to run around and do this twice over the
course of the calendar year.

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] Spring cleaning means free stuff for you

I know this isn't strictly Linux related, but surely there are a few
people interested in computer junk on this list. I've been doing some
late-Spring cleaning and everything must go! All items are free unless
specified (ignore any prices marked on items in the photos). If you
are interested in something please contact me off-list. Feel free to
forward this to anyone or group you think might have some interest.

1) HP 75 (Merlin?) hand-held computing device with integrated mag-
stripe reader+writer. I aqcuired this about 12 years ago, sadly it
does not power up. Since then I've never had the time to investigate
further. Includes the following accessories:

3x barcode readers
5? battery packs
2x battery cases
2x AC adapters (I did test that the AC adapter works at least)
1x RS232 data transfer unit
3x tubes of magstripe material

The unit has 3 expansion slots, with two of them filled (barcode and
RS232 support I believe). Plus you get the manuals, some additional
random cords, and some weird unrelated device which came in the same

2) Epson Actionprinter 2500 line printer with 1 full box of line
printer paper (both come as a set, no exceptions). Standard centronics
parallel interface (25pin). Ribbon has some limited life left in it
yet, but really needs to be replaced. In case you didn't know, chicks
dig line printer art hanging from the walls of your apartment (And
girls, guys appreciate it too). Get it while it's hot!

3) Microsolutions Backpack hard drive with 25pin parallel port
interface. Never tested, no idea on capacity.
4) External SCSI attached 3.5" floppy drive. Enclosure could be
repurposed, perfect for your SGI collection in the back corner.
5) Zenith XT number pad (pre-PS2) - it's dying to talk to your arduino.

6) $10 - Netgear HPNA 10/100 home phone network hub. Requires HPNA/
phoneline network cards to work, 10Mb over phone lines, 100Mb uplink.
The cool thing about HPNA is the protocol is designed to be very
resilient, I've seen people demonstraight network connections over wet
papertowels with HPNA gear, lots of out-of-the-box uses for this device.

8) Compaq luggable 286. Two 5.25" drives, modem (speed unknown), and
what appears to be a 25pin lpt card. HardCard internal hard drive (20
or 40MB, I don't recall) runs DOS 3.3?, a "tad" customized for a
hacking contest I tried to use it in a few years ago. I seem to
remember that the keyboard has a few keys that don't work, I can show
you a workaround if you are interested. If no one takes this home I'll
bring it in to the hackerspace and let people break out their old-
school DOS skills and try to get "root" on it.

9) 15" Gateway EV500 monitor, probably does at least 1024x768
10) 15" IBM monitor 8511-001, fixed frequency, it's either 800x600 or
11) 15" NEC MultiSync 3FGx monitor, does at least 1024x768 or better.
Power button needs some work, but otherwise it's been a workhorse.
12) 15" Goldstar monitor, my very first display. This unit turned very
yellow while hibernating in the closet.
13) 15" Packard Bell monitor, no idea where this came from.

14) 17" LCD, needs some work. When power is plugged in, power buttom
flashes green for a split second every 5 seconds or so. I tore it open
to make sure I wasn't giving away an easy fix, nothing obviously blown
inside, but possibly still an easy fix in the right hands. If not, it
would still make a nifty light-table or x-ray display.

15) Dilbert original boxed software for your Palm
16) Two leather PDA travel holsters, crafted from fine corinthian
leather. One large, one small.
17) A largish IBM branded ESD safe container, with ESD snap on
outside. Keep those PCI cards safe!
19) Kenwood TR-7800/7850 VHF tranceiver service manual
20) SAMS The Internet Unleashed - Quote from the front of the book:
"Everything you need to master the Internet!" What more can I say?

21) IBM MoST Service CD's - A complete copy of every piece of IBM
documentation for all hardware still supported as of 2000 (PC's, POS,
RS6000, AS400, S390 mainframes, printers, you name it). The problem
is, you have to index it yourself. CD's organized by machine series,
but otherwise no useful identifying marks in the file names.
Orignially came with a Lotus Notes database as an index, I don't have
that. I believe there is firmware on this set too.

23) Central Data model ST-1002+ SCSI terminal server, includes power
supply and instruction pamplet.
24) Gravis PS2 style game pad - MIDI/gameport interface
25) SOYO TechAID PCI diagnostic card - insert into PCI slot and BIOS
post codes can be displayed, with original packaging and
documentation. You get a box of 72 and 30 pin SIMMS along with this one.
26) Conner 4mm DAT - installed in an HP external SCSI enclosure marked
as "SureStore DAT24". Includes SCSI terminator.
27) Abekas A52c video editing control console - Joystick+fader bar,
keyboard input, and LCD display - requires rest of unit to operate,
great arduino interface project!
28) LinkSys/Cisco 802.11b USB WiFi card - possibly defective, I've
never gotten it to work. Powers up and has lights.
29) TI-99 with software
30) IBM PCMCIA 14.4 data/fax modem
31) $40 - 750W Vector DC to AC inverter- minor modification to the
front panel, otherwise in excellent condition.
32) Panasonic Data Partner - handheld DOS system with touch screen.
Paper overlay shows virtual keyboard map on screen. Very cool device,
yours free!
33) Lucent 56K pci modem
34) DC2080 backup tapes, several available
35) Altimiter to 15k feet
36) Empty IBM ThinkPad shell with keyboard - perfect for pranking your
friends and family (Oh noes, I dropped it down the stairs!)
37) Sony laptop speakers, separate into two speakers
38) Xircom PE2-10B2 parallel port ethernet card - great way to
bootstrap that old laptop over the network.
39) PC MODS Window Kit - window is approximately 8"x11", complete with
gasket mounting hardware
40) 8bit ISA breadboard
41) Compaq PCMCIA floppy drive, has PCMCIA card built in


BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

I've got a WRT54G that I've been running for about 5 years and it is rock solid.

If you really wanna turn that thing into a beast though go to:

and find a firmware release that will run on your version of that router. It's amazing all the features you have access to running this software on a WRT54G. Cisco would charge you $600 for the same feature set!

DD-WRT is written in some flavor of Linux. The website has a great forum too.

I used to have a second WRT54G running DD-WRT firmware and had it setup as a bridge in a detached garage. It greatly improved the signal inside the garage and I was able to roam back and forth betweeen the buildings and all over my property without ever dropping.

I burnt it up though using the software but that was because I cranked up the TX Power to about 250 milliwatts during a test and absolutely fried it! I think Linksys ships them at 28 mW. 100 mW is plenty...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jared Schlemmer" <>
To: "Bloomington LINUX Users Group" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 5:27:04 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

I have a Linksys WRT54G I just replaced but still have. It's about 6 years old and I question it's reliability somewhat... but, I'd be more than happy to loan it out for a month. I work downtown and I can bring it to work with me during the day.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Auty < > wrote:

We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Jared Schlemmer
Assistant Deputy Mayor
Bloomington, Indiana

BLUG mailing list
BLUG mailing list

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Re: [BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

I have a Linksys WRT54G I just replaced but still have. It's about 6 years old and I question it's reliability somewhat... but, I'd be more than happy to loan it out for a month. I work downtown and I can bring it to work with me during the day.


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Joe Auty <> wrote:
We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

BLUG mailing list

Jared Schlemmer
Assistant Deputy Mayor
Bloomington, Indiana

[BLUG] Anybody selling or willing to rent out a wireless router?

We're in the process of moving to a new house here in town, and we'd like to have internet access to both places while we complete this move, which will take at least a month. Therefore, I'm a little reluctant to pay full price for a new router since we'll only need it for the month.

Does anybody have one they were going to garage sale or something? Something I can rent? :) Wireless G or N is cool...

Joe Auty, NetMusician
NetMusician helps musicians, bands and artists create beautiful, professional, custom designed, career-essential websites that are easy to maintain and to integrate with popular social networks.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Re: [BLUG] BTW, the get together was a success

It was a good time and will try to make it to the next one

Hey mark can you ping me directly so I can discuss some things with you

On Jun 7, 2010 8:19 AM, "Mark Krenz" <> wrote:

 I wanted to relay to the list for those that didn't make it to the
hang out at Max's Place that it was a major success. 13 people showed up
and I think we all had a good time talking with each other.  Several new
faces, which is good.  We'll have to have another one later this month
or something.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Best of BLUG #2: Bill Gates posts to the list

What's kinda funny is that this happens enough that Bill Gates could
get away with doing it himself. Plausible deniability or something like
that. Of course, it would cost him nearly $40,000 in lost time to do

On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 09:18:22AM GMT, ¥ dosman ¥ [] said the following:
> Wow, I guess I need to check this account more often. As far as the original post, I believe this was my doing ;).
> -Nathan
> > Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 02:05:24 +0000
> > From:
> > To:
> > CC:
> > Subject: [BLUG] Best of BLUG #2: Bill Gates posts to the list
> >
> >
> > What the? Can anyone claim this from 9 years ago?
> >
> > ==============================================================================
> >
> >
> >
> > Thu, 20 Jul 2000 12:05:37 -0500
> >
> > Hey guys I've got this other neat operating system that works really
> > swell! It can be installed along side linux too. It's called Winblows,
> > err, I mean Windows 98. Just boot up with dos, then use the dos version
> > of fdisk to make some windows partitions. Dont worry that it cant see
> > your linux partitions, it automagically steps around them (Hehehehaha
> > Mwuhaaahahawuhaha). Then format your new windows partitions and you are
> > ready to go. Just send $150 to me and I'll mail you a shiny new windows
> > cd... better yet send me your creditcard number('s). It's so nice and
> > pretty and easy to use, I'm sure you all will be using it instead of
> > linux in no time. And hey, there's nothing like a freshly rebooted
> > machine to brighten your day! Well I have to go now, someone named 'DoJ'
> > keeps sending me email... I keep telling them I'm not interested in what
> > they have to say, but they keep harassing me. Oh well... tata for now!
> >
> > P.S. Check out this website I really like:
> >
> >
> > Bye!
> > ==============================================================================
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Mark Krenz
> > Bloomington Linux Users Group
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > BLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

[BLUG] BTW, the get together was a success

I wanted to relay to the list for those that didn't make it to the
hang out at Max's Place that it was a major success. 13 people showed up
and I think we all had a good time talking with each other. Several new
faces, which is good. We'll have to have another one later this month
or something.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] Linux in Commercial Aircraft

Sorry for dredging up these old threads as I clean out this inbox. I took a couple photos as the in-flight entertainment system rebooted 2-3 times on takeoff. Finally, after it appeared it had been frozen for about 20 minutes, it started playing Indiana Jones 4 at a random point in the first 1/3rd of the movie.


Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:10:40 -0400
Subject: Re: [BLUG] Linux in Commercial Aircraft

In the college mall in Bloomington, one of the photo booths had crashed one time .... it was a GTK error in GIMP. Looked to be running in KNOPPIX. My wife had no idea what I was so excited about ...


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Peter G. Brown <> wrote:
In line with David's post I was recently on a flight where the aircraft had touch screens (select movies etc). As we were in the process of being pushed back from the gate the airline lost what appeared to be all power (it was certainly not the normal chain of events). When the power came back on the inflight entertainment system started. In the row in front I noticed one screen displaying output - looking closer I saw the typical linux boot up messages! Made me chuckle - I wasn't aware of this. The airline was Air Canada, eh.
BLUG mailing list

Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your inbox. See how.

Re: [BLUG] Best of BLUG #2: Bill Gates posts to the list

Wow, I guess I need to check this account more often. As far as the original post, I believe this was my doing ;).


> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 02:05:24 +0000
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: [BLUG] Best of BLUG #2: Bill Gates posts to the list
> What the? Can anyone claim this from 9 years ago?
> ==============================================================================
> Thu, 20 Jul 2000 12:05:37 -0500
> Hey guys I've got this other neat operating system that works really
> swell! It can be installed along side linux too. It's called Winblows,
> err, I mean Windows 98. Just boot up with dos, then use the dos version
> of fdisk to make some windows partitions. Dont worry that it cant see
> your linux partitions, it automagically steps around them (Hehehehaha
> Mwuhaaahahawuhaha). Then format your new windows partitions and you are
> ready to go. Just send $150 to me and I'll mail you a shiny new windows
> cd... better yet send me your creditcard number('s). It's so nice and
> pretty and easy to use, I'm sure you all will be using it instead of
> linux in no time. And hey, there's nothing like a freshly rebooted
> machine to brighten your day! Well I have to go now, someone named 'DoJ'
> keeps sending me email... I keep telling them I'm not interested in what
> they have to say, but they keep harassing me. Oh well... tata for now!
> P.S. Check out this website I really like:
> Bye!
> ==============================================================================
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.