Sunday, September 7, 2008

Re: [BLUG] changing filesystem UUIDs (was: Amarok)

We use partimage, where I work, for partition imaging.

sfdisk for partition tables ("sfdisk -d /dev/sda > filename" to dump
the partition table to a file, "sfdisk /dev/sda < filename" to
re-create the partition table; don't take my word for those, though,
as I'm not looking at the script right this moment. "man sfdisk" is
your friend).

grub, to make sure the bootloader points to the right place.

Tie it all together with bash or Python for automation's sake, and
you're in business for deploying hundreds of workstations. ;-)


On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Matthew Patenaude <> wrote:
> Slightly off topic... is there a good program anyone might recommend for use
> with Linux that might act like Ghost or whatever to make back up images of
> hard drives? Probably a stupid question, but I have never done that. I
> generally just back up personal info and make clean installs. However, I am
> interested in the possibility, of reinstalling an old image if, say, I try a
> new version of my OS and decide I preferred the old one better: I wouldn't
> have to reinstall all the past upgrades all over again.
> Thanks,
> Matthew

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] changing filesystem UUIDs (was: Amarok)

Ghost supports at least some of the various Linux partitions. If you're looking for a free alternative, you might look into g4u.

Jeremy L. Gaddis
Network Administrator
Ivy Tech Community College
812.330.6156 (w) 812.391.3971 (m)

Please excuse any spelling errors. This message was sent from my PDA.

To: Bloomington LINUX Users Group
Sent: Sun Sep 07 16:04:08 2008
Subject: Re: [BLUG] changing filesystem UUIDs (was: Amarok)

Slightly off topic... is there a good program anyone might recommend for use with Linux that might act like Ghost or whatever to make back up images of hard drives? Probably a stupid question, but I have never done that. I generally just back up personal info and make clean installs. However, I am interested in the possibility, of reinstalling an old image if, say, I try a new version of my OS and decide I preferred the old one better: I wouldn't have to reinstall all the past upgrades all over again.


Re: [BLUG] changing filesystem UUIDs

Partimage works like a champ for me.

Best regards,

Matthew Patenaude wrote:
> Slightly off topic... is there a good program anyone might recommend for
> use with Linux that might act like Ghost or whatever to make back up
> images of hard drives? Probably a stupid question, but I have never done
> that. I generally just back up personal info and make clean installs.
> However, I am interested in the possibility, of reinstalling an old
> image if, say, I try a new version of my OS and decide I preferred the
> old one better: I wouldn't have to reinstall all the past upgrades all
> over again.
> Thanks,
> Matthew
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> BLUG mailing list

BLUG mailing list

Re: [BLUG] changing filesystem UUIDs (was: Amarok)

Slightly off topic... is there a good program anyone might recommend for use with Linux that might act like Ghost or whatever to make back up images of hard drives? Probably a stupid question, but I have never done that. I generally just back up personal info and make clean installs. However, I am interested in the possibility, of reinstalling an old image if, say, I try a new version of my OS and decide I preferred the old one better: I wouldn't have to reinstall all the past upgrades all over again.


Re: [BLUG] Amarok

Thanks guys. That answered a lot of my questions. Sorry about not answering previously: I was on family vacation in FL, and while the Hotel was nice, they did not have free wireless, or LAN! Pathetic! :)

I was wondering about whether there might be problems with sharing /home... not too surprised.

I have tried Foresight, and I was quite impressed. However, I have invested a good deal of time into learning Ubuntu, so I doubt I'll change any time soon, seeing how my system seems to meet my needs nicely. If I ever do decide to change, that is definitely an option.
