Wednesday, May 21, 2008

[BLUG] Asterisk/VoIP presentation

I'd be interested in doing a presentation on the Asterisk open source
PBX server. Is July open? June is a little too soon for me. I don't
want to bother with it if nobody is interested though, so if you could
let me know if you are interested in such a presentation, let me know.

I promise to make it interesting and somewhat interactive. I've
learned quite a bit about Asterisk over the past few weeks while setting
up a new VoIP phone system for Suso's offices. Provided that the
library allows it, I should be able to bring an IP phone to the
presentation and make calls through the internet to the Asterisk server
in our office and stuff like that. I think it will even be interesting
to those who don't know anything about VoIP.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list