Friday, March 21, 2008

[BLUG] considering a job in computers

Hey all,

I was hoping to get a little bit of advice from people on this mailing list.  After getting an undergraduate degree in music education and starting a masters in saxophone performance at IU, I quit after a semester because I wasn't enjoying it anymore.  I was looking at other options and thought I'd like to try electronic music and so started a masters in electronic music from the University of Miami.  But, after a semester there, I find myself back in Bloomington again searching for a career that excites me and also has a better chance of gainful employment than finding a position to teach electronic music at the university level (which is what I thought I would do with my masters in electronic music.  turns out I wasn't that into the program and there are very few positions for what I was training myself for.  maybe 5 to 10 positions in the country every year according to a proff at IU). 

Anyways, I am again reconsidering my options and was at least glimpsing in the direction of some sort of career involved in computers or networking.  I know saying I want a job here is like saying I want a job doing music;  music is too broad a categorization as there are many specific areas of study within music.  I was just hoping if anyone could at least point me in the right direction to find out what types of positions are out there, how hard they are to get, how rewarding they are, etc.  And also, what type of education is required to enter this field and are there any really good schools nearby for computer science type degrees.  I know IU has a great music school but I know nothing about their other departments.

Any help anyone could give me would be really appreciated!

Ben Shewmaker

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